Salt, Spice, and Everything Nice

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KaraZawa 7 Active Now

Dadchi_1 - Good morning 6:02

Suga_M2 - Good morning! :) 6:02

Dadchi_1 - Where did you and Semi-san go? 6:02

Semi_eLITa - We met up with most of Room B. 6:02

Dadchi_1 - Most? 6:03

RL_THUNDER - Shoyo and Ushiwaka-san are elsewhere. 6:03

guessmnstr - They're practicing in the gym as far as I know. Should we fetch them? 6:03

Dadchi_1 - No, that's where we'll head after breakfast anyway, it's not a problem. 6:04

akanaT - How long have you guys been up? Seems like you didn't just wake up. 6:04

guessmnstr - Since 3. 6:04

Dadchi_1 - Why so early?? 6:04

guessmnstr - Hina-kun woke me up by accident. 6:05

Dadchi_1 - Did something happen? 6:05

akanaT - Come to think of it, we heard a loud noise from your room last night. You weren't having too much fun now, were you?? ;) 6:05

RL_THUNDER - you'll have to ask Shoyo when you see him next, that's all I'll say 6:05

ks.tobio - Though if you look at his face I'm sure you'll get your answer. 6:05

Dadchi_1 - That's a really strange way to refer to him. 6:06

Suga_M2 - We haven't seen him yet either, but if something was wrong he'd tell us. 6:06

guessmnstr - I told them to let us know if they needed anything earlier. 6:06

akanaT - You've already seen both of them Tendou-san? 6:06

guessmnstr - Yup! Hina-kun and I talked out in the hall this morning, and Wakatoshi-kun stopped by not too long after. 6:06

akanaT - I feel like we're missing something here. 6:07

KaraZawa 10 Active Now

STZWgoshiki - Good morning!!! 6:07

shirb.10 - Morning. 6:07

tsukkillme - Hey. 6:07

tsukkillme - What did Hinata do now? 6:07

RL_THUNDER - it wasn't his fault, things happen 6:08

STZWgoshiki - I've missed a lot, oh no. Is he alright? 6:08

guessmnstr - Mm, not sure. Nishinoya-kun and I are about to bring him some painkillers though! 6:08

STZWgoshiki - Can I go with you? 6:09

guessmnstr - Awe, sure! He'd be happy to see you, or anyone for that matter, that bundle of sunshine he is~! 6:09

Suga_M2 - He certainly is a charming one. :) 6:10


"Better. Do it again," Wakatoshi demands from across the court. They've been going at this for close to three hours now, long before anyone else is awake. Hinata can feel the exhaustion creeping into his vision and his limbs, both much slower than usual, but refuses to say no to Wakatoshi. A top-notch ace, captain of a powerhouse school, is helping him improve his receives. Hinata doesn't like thinking down on himself, but there's a faint, nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he doesn't deserve the time of day.

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