#3: -𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛-

464 8 31

Warnings: humanoid AU
I used a bed instead of a hammock here im sorry😔

Third person pov.

A very nice night has finally passed in the kingdom, Espresso went on the bed early for he wants to have a moment of peace or silence.

Espresso was reading a very very sad book because he wasnt very much a fan of fluffs and everybody knows that.

He did many stuff today, he went into a battle with Kumiho, Cotton, Cocoa, and Twizzly gummy, made new inventions, studied with latte, accidentally exploded Herb's plant.

He sat quietly on his bed reading his book with a straight face. Not so lng after, he received a text from his dear frenemy, Madeleine.

He took his phone out and looked at the message for a while, "Hello ess! may i come at your house to hang out for a while? im feeling lonely plus its saturday tomorrow!!!" He sighed and replied with a like emoji, Madeleine replied with a smile and blue heart emoji. Espresso almost laughed but felt a little to bad for him.

He read his book again and patiently waited for Madeleine showing that he 'doesnt' care,

He was about to fall asleep until he heard a fast knock on his door.

Espresso is very strict when it comes to his belongings as well as security measures. He looked at the fisheye, or should i say door viewer and saw Madeleine patiently waiting for him outside while smiling. Espresso sighed and opened the door. He had to look up to see the Knight's face and that sometimes annoys him.

He backed away and the blonde hair stepped it and offered a hug but ofcourse the coffee addict who rarely sleeps that almost have panda eyes didnt even care to go to the knight and hug back.

He gently pushed the knight away from the door and locked the door again.

He offered biscuits and coffee to the knight and took a bit of cookies at his fridge and went back to his bed.

Madeleine followed the guy and looked at the bed, Espresso has a messy bed but a clean and neat bed,

He made a body or hand i dont fricking know gesture if e can sit or lay down next to him who knows.

Espresso nodded and Madeleine gladly went by his side and looked at the book he's reading, he asked Espresso what is it about and he didnt answer and just rested his head on his shoulders, Madeleine blushed slightly and smiled at the guy.

Not so long after, Espresso backed away and yawned.

"Are you alright? You can sleep now you know" Madeleine said, Espresso shook his head and read again.

Madeleine went closer and read with him for a while until he fell asleep.

Espresso didnt realise that Madeleine was asleep, he took out his arm that was being squashed by Madeleine's back and put it around his shoulders.

He slightly blushed for a while and take his hand out and placed it on his lap. (Im talking bout Espresso's lap not Madeleine's)

His cheeks became red and he started to shook his head because theres something he felt inside of him, it was the first time he felt this.

Madeleine woke up and felt a little better so he sit up a bit and watched Espresso read the book again.

He started to read Espresso's book too and he didnt feel bored or anything, he liked being with Espresso whatever he does.

They didnt get along so well because Espresso is kinda mean. But right now, Madeleine is shocked to see that his frenemy is actually really sweet and really cute.

Espresso felt a little hungry so he gently pushed Madeleine's head off his shoulders and Madeleine sat down.

Espresso asked Madeleine if he wanted some snacks and Madeleine nodded slowly. Espresso left to go to the kitchen and prepared a sandwich and a bit of milk for Madeleine cause why not

He went back to the bedroom to find Madeleine looking at the back of the book reading whas it about while one finger is inside the book for Espresso not have a hard time finding what page were they.

Espresso placed the glass of milk on the nightstand next to Madeleine. Madeleine gave the book to Espresso and he took the milk to get atleast one or two sips before he placed it on the nightstand again.

Madeleine receives a call from Raspberry not so long after. Espresso noticed it and nodded slowly indicating he should take the call.

Madeleine went up and went outside the bedroom to the door and answered the call, Raspberry was asking where he was and he replied with a 'im in Espresso's house.' and Raspberry went silent for a moment, she hung up after a few minutes of silence and Madeleine was hella confused.

He put his phone in his pocket again and went to the bedroom. He went onto the bed and asked Espresso if he could rest on him because he noticed that he was really hot and Madeleine was cold.

It was a weird question but Espresso blushed madly and agreed anyway.

Madeleine happily went on Espresso and rested his head on his chest. Espresso kept reading his sad book that almost everyone dies while Madeleine is slowly falling asleep.

Espresso caressed Madeleine's hair while reading the book and thought it was so soft. His hand stayed in Madeleine's hair and Madeleine felt it.

Madeleine smiled a bit and Espresso didnt notice it. He closed his eyes and enjoyed every touch of Espresso's hand.

He slowly started feeling sleepy so he closed his eyes peacefully while the coffee addict was reading.

Espresso looked at Madeleine who was silently making sounds (its snoring by the way) and put his hands on his shoulder and smiled faintly, oh if Madeleine could only see this he would go nuts, in a good way.

Espresso read his book again until he felt a little sleepy, which was surprising because almost everybody knows that Espresso rarely sleeps.

Well its only this time so Espresso took out his bookmark that looks like a coffee on a white mug and placed it on page 247.

He positioned his head sleeping on the pillow while Madeleine is sleeping on his chest.

He slowly started to fell asleep until everything was black.


Espresso woke up and thought, 'sleeping is not so bad at all.' and he stretched his arms and yawned.

He looked at his window and noticed Madeleine staring at him with his mouth slowly open.

Espresso was shock and his mouth slowly opened too and he screamed totally forgetting that about last night.

Madeleine tried to calm Espresso down by telling him what happened last night.

Espresso was still shocked but he believed what Madeleine said and stood up to go to the kitchen to drink some coffee.

Madeleine followed him and kept repeating the sentence, "You slept ess!!" and Espresso was close from snapping.

Espresso sighed and went into Madeleine and gave him one cookie that he took on the fridge and Madeleine gladly accepted it.

After that, Madeleine and Espresso grew more closer... and closer.


alr i agree this sucks but yeah its not like the suggestion but i really hoped you guys enjoyed

Word count: 1233 (including this outro)

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