Chapter 1

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I walked out of the temple

It was a warm summer day. I have tried to look at the watch on my wrist, but I totally forgot that those don't exist here. Instead, a window with the date and time popped up above my hand

Date: June 8 (the 6th month). The pomegranate month (horse, the 5th month)

Time: 1:26 p.m. The mutton hour

The fact that time identification here is slightly different slipped out of my mind as well. 2 hours there are equal to 1 hour in my previous life. I dropped my hand, and the pop-up window disappeared. Huh, that's can come in handy. I wonder where the mini-map is... I swung my arms, and moved my hand from right to left, and, finally, the mini-map appeared when I opened my palm as if I was holding a globe or a compass. Hmm, well, the navigation looks somewhat intuitive. The surroundings were shown from a bird's eye view. There was a blue dot in the center. I guess that is me. Oh, and we have the area name right beneath the map. That's fantastic! And where is the Wind sect? And to where should I drag my poor carcass which the main character will then rip apart

"Yes?" the girl appeared right in front of me. She was smaller... 10 folds smaller, looking almost doll-ish like

"Where should I go to?" I pointed at the mini-map. The girl flew closer to me, looking at the mini-map and mumbling. After a moment of silence, she frowned and tapped the window with her little finger. Nothing has changed

"Hm... So strange. There was supposed to be a green arrow leading to the task, but there is nothing, although the map seems working fine. Hm... Alright, let's do this – I am going to put a marker and you will go to it, while I will be checking the GPS malfunction". The girl looked at me and I nodded in agreement. She shifted her gaze onto the mini-map and tapped on some unknown area. Then the red dot appeared on the map with a curvy green line stretching to a blue dot. "The route is built. You can go now". The system faded away. A title defining how many miles/zhang has left to the destination point now showed up saying that I need to pass 5.5 more miles

Hmm, if I take a normal pace, I'll probably be there before sunset. However, I don't know how the body of a whippet 14-year-old will react to the path. Well, in the novel, Sheng Guiwei made it to the competition in time and wasn't looking half-dead so I just need to believe that everything will be okay. I began my path following the arrow glowing in front of me. It was big, moving constantly, expanding and narrowing


The young was walking on the road that was only a slight track in the tall vegetation. Black hair tied into a high ponytail bobbed up and down as he strode. His clothes were simple and even a little bit scruffy contrasting with his bright eyes. Although they were gleaming with life, his eyes looked strangely on his childish face of his. Gaze reflecting nothing but a spark of craziness stood up on it. Fortunately, Elijah hadn't met anyone. As he walked, he wondered whether there were other options besides the mini-map and watches. At last, 30 minutes later, he managed to find one more function. He could look through the list of tasks when touching his chest, but at that time there was only one

Main task: Wind sect

Description: Reach the Wind sect and pass adherents' tournament

It sounds pretty easy if you know what tasks there will be in the competition. Most of the novels use such practices as digging pits or climbing up a mountain or dueling. Some novels have all three of them. In this world, they seemed like a normal practice too, but the Wind sect had rather different methods of choosing its adherents. The Wind sect relied more on speed and dexterity than on brute force, and because of that, instead of pit digging and dueling where one can show up with their strength and spirit, and rock climbing where people always put spokes in the wheels – which was a huge "no" to the sect – they have chosen tree climbing as a part of the competition. The trees were more than 300 feet in height. Every contestant must climb a tree and pick as many fruits as they can. They are edible but look nothing like the Earth ones. The fruits resemble the Earth apples and peaches, still, they greatly differ, as they are pink with a dim green undertone. These trees grow all around the mountain so there is no lack of fruits. Those, who have failed, might even get permission to take home what they have gathered. All of the competitors were the same age as Bao Fayang and Shei Guiwei which is something between 12-16 years old. These ages are seemed pretty appropriate to start the path to the development of a human being. Elijah – or is he Sheng Guiwei now? – was walking down the trail imagining what scrumptious taste will the fruit – which name he won't be able to pronounce even if he had a hundred years left – have. Having decided not to think about it, otherwise, he will get the sense of starvation, he never even slowed down on his way, as he didn't know when he would get at least a piece of something that he may eat. The author mentioned such mundane things only if the feast was about to be interrupted by a brawl or an unexpected victim of murder, although, the author wasn't thoroughly depicturing all of the things that had happened not so long before the brawl – only the calm lingering ambiance was under the spotlight of the story. While thinking about it, Elijah remembered that at the same time competition going on, one magical cult – which name was also hard to pronounce – began to perform its actions. Later, the cult will murder some folk for a ritual that could give them a cursed sword. The said sword will be able to dramatically change the cultivator's qi even with the slightest scratch. The cult had completely finished the sword by the time the main character find out about its existence. The cult had done not only that, but also it had killed some of the cultivators by changing their qi in a way that was incompatible with life

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