Chapter 3- Mr. President

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Chapter 3- Mr. President

(March 25, 2049)

In the city of Washington DC, it's almost noon. The sun is high in the sky, there are only a few scattered clouds, and it's an overall pleasant day. Most of the city's population is either at work or enjoying the pleasant day.

Deep within the sprawling city, in the corridors of the White House, Vice President of the United States John Hammons is just entering the West Wing after coming from the Pentagon, where had had a meeting with several world leaders and members of the Joint Command. In his briefcase are a few files he needs to deliver.

Hammons makes his way towards the Oval Office and knocks on the door. "Enter," a voice calls out from inside the officer.

Hammons opens the door and enters Oval Office. As he enters, he sees an older man with gray hair sitting at the Resolute Desk, writing away and focused on his work.

"Mr. President?" Hammons asks aloud.

The man at the desk looks up, revealing the face of an old man with a few face wrinkles and several scars, including one over his right eye. However, the smile that spreads over his face is one of a happy man.

"Hey, John," he says.

"President Nantz, I have the files from my meeting at the Pentagon for you to look over," Hammons says, opening his briefcase and pulling out the files, setting them on the desk in front of Nantz.

"Thank you," Nantz says.

"I'm just gonna sit over here and catch up on a few journal entries I missed, if that's alright," Hammons says.

"Of course," Nantz replies.

Hammons goes to sit down on one of the couches in the Oval Office, pulling out his journal and sitting down to start writing, while Nantz picks up the files that Hammons gave him. The first one he picks up is from General Jack Fredericks, the commandant of the Marine Corps. Seeing the Marine Corps label gives him a quick flashback and he smiles.

Michael Nantz had continued his service in the Marine Corps after the end of the Galactic Civil War, ending the war as the most decorated member of the Marines, with two Medals of Honor and a Navy Cross among his collection of awards. However, soon after the end of the war, due to his age and time in the service, he had taken a desk job at the Pentagon for several years afterwards. Nantz had finally retired from the military in 2024, after 3 decades of service.

After his retirement, Nantz had opened a private security company. However, after years in the business, in the 2030s, when first word came of what would become the First Order reached the ears of the Alliance and tensions began to rise with the New Republic, Nantz decided that his time would be best spent trying to help the people of his country and the Alliance, and he ran for and was elected as a Senator from Texas in the US Senate.

Nantz had served two terms as a Texas Senator at the federal level from 2036 to 2048 before he made a huge jump and ran as the Republican candidate in the 2048 presidential election. Due to his status as a war hero and a well-liked Senator, he had ended up winning the election by the biggest margin since President Obama's re-elections during the Galactic Civil War, and just two months earlier, had been sworn in as the 49th President of the United States. This had been followed soon after by his election as the Executive of the Terran Alliance General Assembly after the retirement of the previous Executive, Prime Minister Charles Gladstone of the United Kingdom.

Nantz was settling in pretty well to his new role as President. However, the extensive paperwork was the worst part of the job.

Nantz briefly reviews through the first packet. It's an outline of a new Marine Corps program to replace its current amphibious armored personnel carrier, which he knows is a topic on the agenda of his next meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He skims through it before setting it aside, knowing he'll be more fully briefed on it soon.

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