Chapter Three

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Oynx's Pov
"What is that stupid human saying.. Ah yes do you have a mate?"

"Are you trying to ask if I have a boyfriend or am dating someone? Say boyfriend." I carefully pronounced the words out in a teasing like way, my lips wiggled into a playful smile watching the way, he laid firmly on my couch with his arms behind his head.

You clearly from this view would anticipate that he was fast asleep with all the words slipping from his lips. The little grunts of him getting comfortable also echoing around fading in with the tv.

When ever Prince Nuada had the chance if he wasn't working he was visiting me at home or at my own job, the book store hidden under a dark hoodie buying as many books as he could carry under his arm in place. It felt nice to have a friend who was always checking in on you from time to time making sure you weren't dead.

"That word is so foolish, why have a dating phase? When you can like confess your love to someone, then get married and not deal with all the difficult parts?" I pushed myself off the arm chair, moving around the back piece to plop into it with a grunt tucking my legs underneath me. How do you even explain human concepts to an elf?

"Okay think of it like this yeah, I'm sure when you were like younger you had crushes were like you thought you were gonna die being around one person, freaking out while talking to them. It's called taking it slow, you either develop a crush that turns to like and then before you know you like one another which brings you to the best term you aren't friends but boyfriend and girlfriend, girlfriend and girlfriend and or boyfriend and boyfriend."

It was strange explaining this to a grown elf, his yellow eyes were once again focusing on me with curiosity pressing his hand over his long locks focusing on me.

"If the feelings are strong enough you date for a few years and then marriage is thrown into the mix." I clapped my hands one time. once I was all finished pressing my own hands underneath my chin hoping he understood, a soft laugh rumbled from him quickly his eyes fluttering a couple times in place.

"See it sounds romantic as you explain it yet I find it more romantic my way." He opened his eyes once again staring at me even more firmly playing with his hair for a moment.

"I ask for your hand in marriage you then become my princess consort, we dance the night away and my people have a celebration for a full week. Before the wedding and you are worshiped doesn't that sound better?" I snorted harshly over my laughter tossing my head back quickly.

"Nuada I'm still trying to understand how you can be so blunt minded. It's interesting really. I mean when we met a month ago you said I looked breedable!"

"That's a compliment! It means you have a full firm body!" I once again was thrown into harder laughter clutching at my abdomen, the pain started to spread across from laughing so hard hearing his own laughter joining in with my own.

"I'm happy you find my mannerisms assuming Oynx, are you working this afternoon?" I lifted my hand up to wipe away the little tears from the corner of my eyes taking a huge gulp of air in. I tilted my head over towards the clock ticking away on the wall.

"I have a night shift later yeah, God you always make me laugh hard." I snorted over another laugh, my eyes watching the way he shifted to sit up with a groan stretching his arms and shoulders back for a moment taking a breath in. Hearing the sensation of his bones popping in place.

"Come I'll walk you to work. I have to do a mission with my sister later it involves our people. So I apologize in advance if we don't speak for some time, I'm gonna miss our time terribly." I faked a soft pout gently holding at my chest standing up with my own grunt leaving me quietly.

"I enjoy our time too, don't worry I'll see you whenever you get back. I have Red and Abe to bug for a while." I smiled at the sight of his tall form, having to move my eyes for a moment hoping I was staring to much at his muscular back. Watching the way he made his way to the front door pulling the hoodie over his long blonde hair.

I cleared my throat, rushing off to my bedroom to quickly get ready for a very distracted night shift.

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