Alex: the shoplifter

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I love the rush of going into a store and finding the perfect chains to add onto your bad unicorn look. However, I don't buy anything I find, I shoplift.

I never had enough money because I live in the getto. At night, you always hear the sound of sirens of the Uni police forces. My family never was able to put enough food on the table, let alone keep up with my eratic fashion trends. After awhile, you learn to support yourself. Even if it means breaking the law.

My so called "problem" started in 8th grade when I stole a pack of socks because my socks at home all had holes in them. It started as me just stealing the nesecities. Until I realized I could get whatever I wanted through shoplifting. That is when it spun out of control.

By the time I was 16, I had been in the unicell five times. To me, that is nothing. I know people who are in the unicells every month. However, my parents are being annoying about me going to jail, but I don't care because I am not going back to how I used to be anytime soon.

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