Episode 05 - My Dress Make!

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Soon a progress test will be held, and for it everyone must perform on a Dance Stage and wear their own dress created through the Dress Make system. Having told her students, Ava sends everyone out after making sure they understand.

In their beautiful rose garden S4 is relaxing with some tea and cones prepared by Hime. Yozora brings up their cute new students for this year and asks the girls of their opinions, such as if anyone has caught their eye yet. Everyone has favorable comments, noting that this years set seems to possess more skill than the prior, and they can't wait to see how they grow. Tsubasa is unsure of what to say about the Bird theater class until Yuzu brings up Y/n . The girls note her excitement and Yuzu admits that she likes unpredictable girls- she really wished Y/n chooses her class. Hime and Yozora agreed and Tsubasa remarks that Y/n reminds her of herself.

Meanwhile, Mia waits for Y/n to catch up to her on the training field. As she hands her a towel she brings up the difficulty of this test, but she's excited. Y/n agrees and they mutually make an agreement to pass together. They change back into their uniforms and head to the Dress Make room, where Yuri offers them a lesson on using the system. She reminds them of how it works and demonstrates using Glitter to change various features of the design, such as style, patterns, colors, and accessory. She asks if they have Glitter and Mia seems confused until Y/n reminds her that they both got some during earlier performances. Yuri explains how vital Glitter can be, because the more of it one has, the more options will be unlocked.

With that she lets the girls get started. To her disappointment Mia notes Y/n has earned more glitter then her. But they both manage to come up with something they like, only for Mia to reveal to Y/n that she must be sure of herself, because once she makes it, she can't change it. Y/n was lost thought on how to find her own style.

Later that day, Y/n is amazed with her dress that she made on her own but she is thinking that something is off about it.   She returns to the dorm to find Mia watching Yozora's show "It's Yozora's Fashion Time". Y/n joins her and they watch as Yozora answers a question read to her by the squirrel mascot of her brand . They chat with each other a bit before she asks the next question, "is there a secret to making Coords?". Y/n is surprised by this and she listens with intent as Yozora explains putting a lot of thought into her coords, such as the performance it will be used in and its overall purpose; but she also believes that fashion should be enjoyed to its fullest. Her answer awakens something in Yume, who questions what sort of purpose the outfit she made serves. She's unable to think of a good answer and she starts to worry as the program concludes.

While training with Mia, Y/n is troubled and continues to think over Yozora's words. Mia notices this and stops Y/n to ask if she's okay, pointing out that she's been making mistakes. She criticizes her for wasting time like this and asks if she cares. Y/n apologizes and explains that she has a lot on her mind and can't find an answer for it. Mia admits that she's experienced this before and encourages Y/n to search for the answer. She takes off to give her some time and Y/n decides to head back to the Dress Make area to create another outfit, one with more thought put into it.

In the Dress Make room, Y/n uses what she learned to start putting together a wonderful coord. Unfortunately, while she managed to put something together she can't help but think something is wrong again. Unknown to Y/n, Yuzu can hear her from the upper-room and she watches Y/n sadly storm off in disappointment to return to the dorm. 

Afterwards, Y/n continues moping until she hears someone humming from above. She's startled finding Yuzu in the tree branches above her and asks what she was doing. Yuzu remarks that the enticing rhythm within the tree leaves invited her, then she tells Y/n that everything alive has one. She compares Y/n's rhythm to Tsubasa's, but before she can elaborate on this confusing topic a pair of students appear to grab her. They chew her out for skipping the dress fitting she was to be getting done. Yuzu apologizes as they drag her away, kicking and fighting with them until Y/n asks if she can come to watch. Yuzu allows it and seems to perk up, and Y/n watches as she is greeted by several students while they head inside.

The girls who brought Yuzu in remark on how lucky Y/n is for today. Not even the other Drama students get to sit in on dress fittings, and this is a coord Yuzu will be wearing for her upcoming performance. Yuzu steps out to reveal the dress, and she turns on some music to try dancing in it to get a better feel for the dress and make sure nothing needs adjusted. Y/n is amazed and wonders how Yuzu can dance like this when Yuzu suddenly stops to remark something feels off. She takes a moment and grabs some scissors to cut the skirt, then she pulls the loose material to the side and attaches a bow to her shoulder, transforming it into a cute gown. She dances again and decides she likes this, while Y/n curiously watches, pointing out she loved the performance even better than the first time when Yuzu asks for an opinion. With this new feeling, Y/n was asked to dance by yuzu which Y/n accepted.

 With this new feeling, Y/n was asked to dance by yuzu which Y/n accepted

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Yuzu was shocked to see you dance like this . Her mouth was wide open and she couldn't look away. You stop dancing look at Yuzu. You thought you did bad because Yuzu wasn't saying anything but got shocked when Yuzu started complementing you . You bowed 90 degree and thanked her. She told you that  a dress can have  a great effect in your performance and Yuzu confirms this by explaining that shorter outfits are better to dance in, and they can exhilarate the audience.

Suddenly, Y/n realizes this is what she's been missing: that exciting, final touch. She thanks Yuzu for the help and runs off, with Yuzu curious over what she may have did. She wishes Y/n the best, only for one girl to remark that Yuzu isn't the mentoring type. Yuzu claims not to have any idea as to what they are speaking about.

With her resolve found Y/n runs to the Dress Make room and puts her thoughts into make her finalized, exciting new coord.

The following day, Y/n happily observes her coord and feels a lot better about this one than her original. Before going out to perform she gives herself a momentary pep talk and puts her new cards into the changing booth. On stage she performs "KISEKI ".

Effect : Bunny , Ribbons and star

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Effect : Bunny , Ribbons and star

Once she finishes, she returns to the stage for Ava's scoring. Ava remarks on how the coord did a good job displaying her cuteness, while the short-shorts not only accented her legs, but they fit the dance. She gives Y/n a top mark and Y/n happily turns to thank her as the audience cheers. Yuzu watches from the back of the room and happily leaves.

Outside, Mia congratulates Y/n for doing well and Y/n thanks her. Mia quickly denies having done anything though, when Y/n suggests they get some tea. She starts running and Mia quickly points out that she should be more careful or else she might fall- just then, Y/n trips and falls over.

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