ROCK! Rock Girls!

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During breakfast the girls turn on the S4 morning program, where they are discussing their casting for the brand new Drama that Tsubasa is helping direct. They will be holding a school wide audition to cast extras, and anyone curious can look at the billboards placed around the school. Y/N decides she must try out.

Around one of the posters a crowd of students are overlooking the information. The drama is titled "The story of a group of studyholic girls who formed a rock band and got into a music university on their first try" -also known as Rock! Rock Girls- and Koharu reveals what she's found out thus far. The setting is a prep school full of students who could care less for current trends and view their classmates as enemies as they fight for the best grades. They have no friends, but everything changes after they form a rock band and slowly gain popularity until they finally take to the stage of everyone's dreams, Rock Koshien. Their bands fame gives allows them acceptance into the same university together and they are immortalized as a band of miracles. S4 are playing the leads while students around the school will play their classmate's.

While Y/n and Mia are convinced to try out, Koharu is worried that she couldn't do it until Yume encourages her by reminding her that she could get a chance to act with Yozora. But as they go to class, Y/n voices concern to Mia, as she had only little acting experience before. Mia isn't worried, but they can't discuss any more as Ava has come to begin her class. She explains bringing in a special instructor for today, and to their shock Tsubasa walks into the room, explaining her plans on lending all of the different classes a hand to learn the basics in acting.

In the lessons room, Tsubasa decides to start by having everyone read the script. The story begins with act 18, in which Tsubasa -a student- is awakened to rock music after she sees M4 playing near a fountain. Everyone compliments her acting but this begins to make some of them feel more anxious as she resumes, explaining how in the next scene the protagonist hands out flyers to try to recruit band members. She demonstrates and shows that nobody gives her a second glance and she goes ignored- then she decides to have them act indifferent and uncaring. Yume and Mia are too tense and stiff to come off convincing, but Y/n gracefully passes, earning a compliment from Tsubasa. The students near Yume and Laura quickly begin to chatter about the girl -Ako and Y/n- saying that they're one of the top acting freshmen. Y/n blushes due to the compliments while gaining and  "AWW " from everyone around her.

 Y/n blushes due to the compliments while gaining and  "AWW " from everyone around her

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(Y/n's blushing face)

During break, Koharu brings up that because of Bird Theater being an acting class to begin with they are at a disadvantage while Y/n being at advantage because she is student in bird theater class's student. Yume remains hopeful though and Y/n suggested them to focus on some special training. Laura , Mia and Koharu agree and after school the girls head out to a book store to learn more about studyholics . Koharu suggests they wear makeup to look tired and worn out, and Y/n and Yume eagerly agrees; a bit too loudly, attracting the attention of two members of M4 and Ako, who was following around Subaru. " What were you doing back there ? Cutie " Subaru says as You were surprised about Subaru and Nozomu . Yume was also surprise and asked the question back to Subaru ."Just buying book " was Subaru's answer .  Subaru observes Yume's notes before laughing. Nozomu brings up that they will be in this drama and Yume asks how they act. Subaru suggests they shouldn't try at all because people who aren't used to acting try to force themselves and come off as fake or really bad. He suggests Yume  act confident and they were about to leave Y/n catches both of their sleeves edge stopping them. Both of their heart went DokiDoki while Nozomu and Subaru said at a same time "What Happen Princess/cutie ? " . "Um-umm Can we hang out today ? My treat " Y/n asked nervously but the boys agreed immediately.  Then you and the boys left the girls to do their work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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