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FIVE | Grandad

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FIVE | Grandad






[ Narrator's Perspective ]




The train rattled steadily along the tracks, its rhythmic clacking merging with the soft hum of conversation within the cabin. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting warm beams across the faces of the children huddled together. Emma sniffled, her eyes red and swollen from tears.

   "Are my eyes okay?" Emma asked with a sniffle.

Norman reached over and gently patted her puffy eyelids, a sympathetic smile playing on his lips. "They are a little swollen."

   "I didn't mean to cry too much but..."

   "It's fine, we all cried a lot," Gilda chimed in, her tone comforting.

The train rattled along its tracks, the rhythmic clatter a steady backdrop to the conversations within the cabin. As it chugged away from Clerveil, Ninelie found herself gazing out of the window, watching the landscape blur past. Emma sat beside her, her curiosity sparking intermittent inquiries, while Norman and Ray engaged in their own discussion across the aisle.

It had been a tumultuous departure from home. For two hours, Ninelie had played the role of comforter, soothing the tears of her "family." Now, the weight of those emotions settled upon her shoulders, and she allowed herself a moment of respite.

Don and Gilda occupied seats in front, while the younger children clustered toward the back of the cabin. Despite the closeness of their proximity, Ninelie found it challenging to initiate conversation with the others. Instead, she opted for the comfort of silence, letting her thoughts wander as she observed the world outside.

She laid back her head on the head rest of her seat, now feeling the delayed exhaustion.

   "So, what kind of person is your grandfather?"

Ninelie's heart skipped a beat, not expecting Ray to just blurt out a question out of the blue.

She glanced at him and back to the window, "He's a very kind person."

   "What's his name?" Ray's curiosity persisted.


   "Sir Alex, then. He's been looking after you for the past two years?" Ray's tone held a hint of respect.

Ninelie nodded, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features, "Yes."

   "I see." 'I'd better give him my utmost gratitude, then.' Ray thought.

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