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     THE MANSION stood as a solemn fortress amidst a relentless snowfall, its grandeur obscured by a thick layer of pristine white. Ninelie emerged from its opulent confines, her delicate form standing out against the wintry backdrop. 

Each step she took sank into the snow, leaving imprints of her turmoil. She clutched a rifle, its weight a tangible anchor to the agony that was consuming her.



Winter's chill pierced her flesh, but the frostiness outside was nothing compared to the icy numbness that gripped her soul. Tears, like crystalline rivers, flowed down her pallid cheeks, leaving trails on her skin as proof of her distress.

With faltering strides, Ninelie traversed the estate to the garden, where nature's vitality lay dormant beneath the winter's grasp. The cold air gnawed at her extremities, but she forged ahead, her mind consumed by a profound torment that allowed no distractions. 

She was driven by an insatiable desire to silence the cacophony of pain reverberating within her.

Arriving at the garden's heart, she saw the fountain, now a silent sentinel in the moonlit night, its waters frozen by the season's icy grip. The heavens shone with countless stars, their distant gaze bearing witness to her silent agony. Ninelie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm the tumult within her chest.

With trembling hands, she raised the rifle to her chin, her fingers tightening around the weapon, each digit bearing witness to the weight of her despair. She quickly pulled the trigger. 

The resounding crack shattered the stillness of the night, a mournful cry piercing Ray's slumber.  


m e i n     M ä d c h e n 

( M y      G i r l )

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