🏵 Chapter 2 🏵

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Location: City of Liyue

Place: Aether's apartment. at 11:00 pm.

Third Person POV:

Aether would then open his eyes, slowly, seeing the ceiling of his room. He realized he had taken a very long nap. "That nap was really good...One of the best naps Ive had in a while." He said to himself. He then got out of bed and stretched. and rubbed his eyes. He walked over to the window of his bedroom and looked out of it, seeing the pretty lights of the city. The lights reminded him of stars, the stars that you see in the night sky. It looked so beautiful.  Aether realized that it was nighttime and he was also still wearing his street clothes. 

He decided to head to the bathroom, and he closed the door. He turned on the light to the restroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His golden-colored hair was a little messy because of sleeping and his golden topaz-colored eyes sparkled. He smiled at himself in the mirror feeling happy. He would then grab a towel and his yellow and orange ombre pouf and set them on the bathroom counter. He decided that he wanted to take a nice hot steamy shower before he went to sleep. He would then go to the shower and turn it on, making the water an adequate temperature of hot and cold. He would then take his hair out of the long braid and wear it down, so he could wash it. He then started to undress himself, putting his dirty clothes into the dirty clothes hamper in the corner of the bathroom. He then decided to step into the steamy hot shower, feeling the steam against his skin and golden hair. 

He took his bottle of Pineapple scented body wash and started to put it on the pouf, lathering it in the process

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He took his bottle of Pineapple scented body wash and started to put it on the pouf, lathering it in the process. He started to wash himself, washing his hair too. The warm steam of the shower felt relaxing and warm against Aether's skin. Aether would then let out a relaxed sigh, feeling a sensation because of the steam.  Aether would then step out of the shower while tying a towel around his waist. He would then take out a hair dryer and dried his wet hair. He would then dry off his body with his towel and then he put on some comfy pajamas which was a black crop top with a pair of matching black sweatpants. 

Aether then walked to the kitchen and decided to make himself a cup of hot warm chamomile tea. He turned on the stove and started to fill the kettle with water. He would then place the kettle on the stove, waiting for the water to heat up. He decided to look at the time and it said 12:50 am. Aether would be a little tired. He rubbed his eyes and yawned again. He then walked over to the window again. Seeing the city lights from his window. The kettle would then start to whistle, signaling that the tea was done. Aether walked over to the stove,turned it off, took the kettle off the stove, and poured the hot water into an orange-yellow colored mug with a chamomile tea bag. He would then take his cup of tea, grabbed his phone off his nightstand and his keycard to his room and walked out the door and close it softly. 

Aether would then walk to the elevator. Pressing the button and waiting for the elevator to arrive. I just hope my sister is okay....Life without her isn't the same...as it was before..I miss her a lot...Aether thought to himself. The elevator would then arrive. The doors would open and Aether stepped in. He would then press the button that read "Garden Rooftop" which was on the top floor of the building. The elevator doors would close and the elevator would move up, heading to the top floor, where the Garden Rooftop was located.  Aether likes to come there and think about life and whatever is on his mind. He really loves how the breeze runs through his hair, and the scenery is just so wonderful to him. 

The elevator would then stop on the top floor where the garden was located

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The elevator would then stop on the top floor where the garden was located. Aether would then get off the elevator, and he would walk towards the balcony. He would look out at the cityscape while drinking his chamomile tea. The warm tea soothed Aether's body in a relaxing way, since during the nights it gets cold. "This view is amazing...and so breathtaking..." Aether spoke softly. 

"I didn't know there was also another person here joining me.." A voice spoke. Aether would then get startled by the voice. Aether would then turn to his left and he would come in contact with another person. But the person looked, familiar to Aether like, he saw him yesterday. The person had on the same white t-shirt with a black techwear hoodie with the hood on, a pair of Black cargo pants, with a pocket chain, and wore a pair of black gym shoes. He also wore a pair of black fingerless gloves. Aether would then start to speak. "I feel like I saw you before.." The person would then stare at Aether more. "You mean yesterday? You were the person who bumped into me when you were walking in the City of Liyue, correct?" He said. Aether would then nod his head. 

The person would then take off his hood, revealing his dark teal wolf-cut styled hair with lighter teal streaks. He would have fairly pale skin and gold-colored eyes with red eyeliner. He would also have a small purple marking shaped like a diamond on his forehead. Aether has never seen a person like this before. Like at all. He was curious about who he was and where he came from in this world. 

"W..who are you?"Aether spoke. The person just stared at Aether. "My name is Xiao. That's all I can say. Plus, It is getting late you should head off to sleep..." He spoke, bluntly. Aether didn't want to sleep at all, he had many questions that needed to be answered, desperately. "But, I just want to know more about you, I mean, by coincidence we bumped into each other yesterday, and then I see you, on the rooftop...with me? I find that strange...Wait. Are you stalking me? You must be a stalker." Xiao would just stare at Aether like he was stupid. "I'm not stalking you, when did you come up with that conclusion? Also, I'm not the one who likes to just talk. I'm not the one that does idle chatter, like you mortals do." he said. Aether was confused when Xiao mentioned the word, "Mortal". Xiao would then sit on the ledge of the railing, staring out into the vast city of Liyue. "I haven't gotten your name yet..." He spoke. 

Aether would then have this feeling. This warm lovey-dovey feeling inside his heart. He would have butterflies in his stomach. "My...my name is...Aether, Xiao.." Aether said, nervously. Xiao would look at Aether with content. "Your name is pretty. I like it. Until we meet again, Aether.." Xiao would then, jump off the railing, and then he would vanish. 

"He just vanished....out of nowhere...I don't find that normal. Is he even..Human?" Aether said to himself. Aether would then walk back to the elevator and press the button to level 7, so he could go back to his apartment room. Aether kept wondering about Xiao. He wondered who he was, what he did for a living, and what he was exactly. Aether thought that Xiao wasn't a human being, because he had never seen a person vanish like that before. The elevator would then stop at the seventh floor, and Aether would get off the elevator. He would then head back into his apartment room. He would then place his cup of tea on the table and he would walk to his bedroom and collapse on the bed.  Aether would fall asleep. Only thinking about what's on his mind: 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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