Chapter 8: Torment and grief

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(short chapter)
Warning: Suicide trigger

Imhotep's POV:

I held my treasures in my arms, I cried so much that I can't even speak anymore. I couldn't make a sound, just tears pour from my eyes. Then the Medjai came in, I backed in a dark corner. I held them tightly into me, but to no help. They were ripped for my arms again, I atleast kissed them before they were gone. Then I saw Zahra's mother, I got on my knees and silently begged. "I'm not going to kill you... You will stay here and grow old you will live a life without them," she said. I shook my head and began to tear more. I couldn't even bare life with out, when I first lost Zahra I couldn't take the pain. I cried myself to sleep all those years, I tried to take my life so many times I lost count. "Please I love them," I tried to say but I could only mouth.
"I know but it was your love that you killed them... Now you get nothing," she said leaving me in the room alone.
I begged the gods to kill me if I can't be with her and have my family. Then Rick came in the room, I couldn't stop crying I curled up into a ball. I expected him to beat me but he didn't, he left me a gun.
" I know what it was like... I felt the pain when I lost Evelyn. Here," he said then leaving. I took the gun, I prayed for the gods to let me go to Aaru with Zahra and Rehema. I then put it up to my chin and pulled the trigger, everything went white. Again I wasn't reunited with Zahra and Rehema I instead saw Anubis, I got on my knees.
"Zahra please I know I don't deserve to see Zahra and Rehema but I'm begging you... Let me be with them, I can't take it anymore... Please it hurts too much," I sobbed.
He shook his head no, and I covered my eyes.
" No but you can see them one last time," he said. I cried harder, I couldn't bare this torment.
"WHY CAN'T I HAVE MY FAMILY?! THAT'S ALL I EVER WANTED! I CAN'T TAKE THIS PAIN ANYMORE IT'S THE WORST TORTURE I HAVE EVER FELT!" I screamed. He then snapped his fingers and Zahra appeared, I held her in my arms. "My love please I can't take being away from you and Rehema anymore... Please stay," said. She kissed my head, I began to shake. I knew he was going to send her away.
"Let go and I'll reunite you with her in different bodies," Anubis said.
"Please it hurts too much... I can't they are all I have ever known and loved," I cried.
"Then you will wait until you let go," he said leaving. My life was nothing but torment and grief without Zahra and Rehema...
"It's ok my love I promise to wait for you... It's ok to let go," she said. I cried and smiled, It was hard but I finally let go. We walked to the after life holding each other's hands, hopefully my grief and torment is finally over.

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