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Instead of ripping her check, I decided to cash it. First, I make a copy, knowing the bank would keep the original. This way, I would have proof of the check's existence alongside recording her confessing everything and offering me the check.

The second check was her saying, 'you have no reason to stay now. So go.' But I have a reason, Markus. I love him more and more every day. He has changed since the first night we met. Before he was a player, he didn't care who he hurt or why it hurt them. He talked down to women and bout women, but now, he's kind and loving toward everyone.

"And, here's your cash." The bank teller handed me a small yellow envelope with $100,000. I put the envelope in my purse and thanked the woman who helped me.

My plan was simple. Once she noticed the money had been taken from her account, she would assume I had accepted her offer. She would visit Markus in hopes of comforting his broken heart. She would probably say, "I told you that girl was around only for the money. I knew she wouldn't last long after the baby was gone."

But she would be met with us both, happy and together. This would anger her and, hopefully, lash out in front of him. I would confirm she tried to bribe me to leave by presenting the check and the money, which would anger Markus, and voila, she's cut out of his life.

I made a pit stop at my lawyer's office and retrieved the evidence just in case I needed it to further my case of cutting her off, which I don't think I would need, but you never know when it comes to manipulative people.


Today Markus took the day off to spend it with me. We haven't had much time to spend with each other since I quit his firm to focus more on my writing, and he made me promise no talk about writing or publishing until the end of the day. Luckily, I convinced him to let me run some errands by saying if we were going to lock ourselves in the house, we needed supplies.

I got everything from snacks to wine to condoms. He joked about counting how many times we could 'get down' during the day.

When I got home, I could hear him cooking breakfast with music on. I quickly stashed the money and everything in my old room and returned with the supplies.

"Hey, you!" He yelled over the music before turning it down.

I smiled, "Hey, whatcha making?"

He continued to scramble some eggs and quickly turned to the counter and opened the waffle maker. "Eggs and chocolate chip waffles. Your favorite."

"What if my favorite has changed?"

Markus laughed, "Sure, babe, and I was born yesterday."

I chuckled and hugged him from behind as he flipped the eggs, "Please pop the yolk." I mumbled under my breath as he chuckled and broke the yolk. I have never liked runny yolks; it grosses me out.

"I'm aware of how you--"

"Markus! Janice!" The angry voice of Markus' mother came through the house, followed by the slamming of our front door. As she approached the corner, you could hear Markus sigh loudly as if he wanted her to hear his displeasure at her presence in the house.

"I'd like to speak to Janice alone, please." She said as she set eyes on me. I knew what she wanted to discuss, but I didn't want Markus to be brought into this. I saw the pleasure in her eyes as I moved away from Markus. 

"Whatever you want to discuss with Janice, you can discuss in front of me as well."

This shocked his mother, "Markus, this is between us women."

"Well, if it has anything to do with the bribe you offered her, it's between me too." He turned off the stove and reached into a drawer. He pulled out a folder and slid it across the counter toward her. 

"If it has anything to do with how she fell down the stairs, it also has to do with me. Or perhaps it has something to do with our kid. Either way, I am a part of it as well.

We were both silent; how did he know? I hadn't told him of my suspensions or evidence I had against her. "Markus, how?" I asked, reaching for him. 

He grabbed my hand and turned to me, "Dee told me. She found your journal and shared it with me. Don't be mad at her. It was during your depression. She was worried about you."

Of course, she was; I should have known I couldn't hide anything from Dee. She knows me too well. 

He knew everything. I hadn't realized the weight of all this was putting on me. I had felt alone in all of this because I told no one. I tried to protect him from ruining his mother; it had strained me and our relationship. This was the first time in over a year that I felt our relationship was not on autopilot.

"M-Markus, I don't know what this woman has concocted against me, but none of this is true." She said, sliding the folder back, not bothering to look inside. She crossed her arms across her chest and huffed at Markus' explanation about the folder.

"This woman is someone I love. This woman has been victimized by you for the last time, and just for loving me! I found that evidence and the only reason you are not in prison right now is because you gave birth to me and are married to my father but do not be mistaken. You are not my mother. My mother would want nothing but happiness for her child. You have worked and created a tragedy."

"Markus, I am your mother! All I wanted was the best for you." She stammered as she moved across the counter and shoved herself between Markus and me. "Your life was happy before she entered it; can't you see that?" She caressed his face with her hands.

I moved away from them. I did not know what to do in this situation. Makrus seemed to be taking care of it alone without my help, "You pushed me down the stairs. How is that me creating tragedy?" I finally spoke up as I opened the folder, curious about what evidence he had gathered.

Mrs. Turner glared at me as Markus stepped away from her. She dropped her hands back to her side.

He'd gathered more than I had. I suppose money helps gather more information than no money at all. "I want you to give her the money back, Janice."

I snapped my eyes away from the folder and to Markus, "I cashed it to teach her a lesson. Not to take her offer."

"I know."

"I wanted to bait her. I wasn't going to tell you any of this that happened."

"I know"

"This is ridiculous! This woman has turned you against me, Markus. You are my son. I would never do anything to hurt you!"

"The evidence is from me. That folder is mine. Janice keeps her folder in her old bedroom." Did he know this the entire time that I had been investigating her? When did he start looking for my evidence? Why hadn't he said anything sooner?

"I would sneak in early every morning to see if there was anything new to give my lawyer." He said, turning back to me, "I wish you would have told me. I could have been there for you."

I sobbed, "I didn't want to ruin your mother's reputation and relationship with you. You both were starting to get along better. Besides what she thinks of me, that is the last thing I wanted. I just wanted to be left alone, heal, and see if this relationship could work." 

"Please leave, and you can take the folder with you. We have plenty," Markus ordered, turning to his mother, "and if you ever come near us again, I will put you in prison." 

Markus wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed into his chest. We stood there as his mother gathered her things and the folder and left out the front door.

I don't know how long we stood there, but I know I had finally felt free of her. I was free of the guilt and free of doing this alone. Markus knew who his mother was, and he stood up for me. He loved me.

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