My Book and Other News

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Now that Markus knew I was pregnant, he began treating me differently. He let me take longer lunches, let me come in later, took on more of the work, and even spoke to me in a softer tone. Honestly, it was pissing me off, it's like he suddenly saw me as this fragile being, and it is the most annoying thing in the world to me right now. Most women, I assume, want to be treated that way when they have a growing child inside them. Me. I don't.

I guess I shouldn't let it bother me because this is so much better compared to how he's treated me in the past. Maybe I should milk it for a while, but I think he would catch on. He isn't a stupid man.

Over the weeks, as each day passed, I have had the urge to call or text Julian, but I didn't. That would pull him back into the situation he didn't want to be in, and I wasn't going to do that to him.

"Mr. Turner, your 2 o'clock is here." Little did I know his 2 o'clock meeting was with Julian and his boss we had the meeting within n New York. I hadn't realized until I looked up again from the phone. Julian looked like he had seen a ghost, and I'm sure I looked the same way.

"Send them in, and please join us to take notes."

I glared at the phone for a few seconds before opening my drawer and grabbing my notebook. He knew Julian was coming. He doesn't need me to take notes. Why does he want me in there?

I lead them into the office and shut the door behind them. I found the farthest seat I could and sat there ready to take notes.

Surprisingly the meeting was about me and my book. The investor would only invest if my book were one of the books planned to be published. I don't know how he found out it was mine, but he did, and I can't tell if Markus was happy about it or not.

"I can assure you. That book will be one on the list to be published." Markus assured him to my surprise. Why was he doing this? He was angry that I had even mentioned the book at that meeting, so why would he publish it?

I was in a daze for the rest of the meeting, which went on for almost an hour. Between trying to figure out Markus' motives and avoiding eye contact with Julian, I couldn't seem to focus on what they were saying about my book.

Finally, the meeting was over. Markus and I said our goodbyes. With Julian, I couldn't avoid him. He smiled at me and shook my hand. My eyes watered; I have to admit I have missed him this past month. We hadn't been together for long, but he was charming, and I know we would have lasted.

Once they left and I was alone with Markus, I turned to him to ask what the hell all that was about, but before I could open my mouth, he spoke.

"It's mine, isn't it?"

I felt my face go from confused to even more confused.

"The baby Janice. The baby is mine."

I didn't know what to say, so I stayed silent. I wanted to escape and avoid this conversation forever, but I knew I couldn't.

"You two were too distant for two people in a relationship and having a child together. So unless you've slept with someone other than Julian and I, it has to be mine." He spoke slowly as if he were trying to choose his words carefully.

"I'm four months along. Julian and I weren't together at that time."

He looked at me and took a deep breath before moving from around his desk. He moved slowly, observing me as if I would try and leave. Smart man.

"So it is mine."

I nodded

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I chuckled, "Are you honestly asking me that? Look back on our entire relationship. You have manipulated me from the first day I started working for you. We've slept together twice. I told you I wanted you to want it all or nothing, and you lied to me. Why would I tell you?"

He was silent.

"I was afraid you would deny it and accuse me of trapping you."


I stopped him. "There's nothing left to say about it. You know now. This isn't a magic key to a relationship. You had your chance with that, and now we have a kid on the way. Let's focus on that and our jobs." I took this as my chance to leave. I packed up my things at my desk and left. As far as I know, he was still standing in his office watching me leave.

I made it to the elevator and realized my eyes were filled with tears. I wiped them away and pushed the button for the lobby, and called Dee.

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