Chapter 1

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John and Donna stepped out of the TARDIS. Donna said: "it's like a Ghost town." John said: "Sarah Jane did say that the Daleks were taking the people. Think Donna. You met Rose in that parallel world. What did she say?" Donna said: "just that the darkness is coming." John said: "anything else?" Donna looked behind him and said: "why don't you ask her yourself?" John looked at her, confused. Donna indicated in back of him. John turned around. Rose stood at the end of the street carrying a big gun. She spotted a Dalek and aimed and fired. The Dalek exploded. Then Rose removed the strap and dropped her gun and took off running. John took off running to meet her. They met in the middle in an embrace with John swinging her around in his arms. Donna watched with a smile. Then Donna walked back to the TARDIS and turned around and watched John and Rose. She raised her wrist and hit a button on her watch and went home. Home to her family. Meanwhile, John and Rose stood in the middle of the street in an embrace. After a while they pulled away. John said: "Rose, I don't understand. How did you know to come here tonight?" Rose said: "I'm head of Torchwood. We caught wind of an incoming Dalek invasion. I left Mickey in charge of Torchwood. I knew that I wouldn't be coming back to Torchwood. Mickey knew too. That Dalek was about to take a shot at you. But I shot him first. Oh god. I've missed you so much." They embraced again. John said: "I love you so much. I've missed you. I don't suppose you want to come with me again?" Rose said: "John, I'm your wife. Of course I'm coming back with you again. Besides, I grabbed my backpack which I had packed when I left. I also had my standard Torchwood gun which you saw me arrive with." John said: "I hate guns." Rose said: "I couldn't exactly blast the Dalek with my sonic screwdriver. These ones are resistant to the effects of my sonic screwdriver. I tried that early on." John said: "Rose, we have to rescue the people that the Daleks took." Rose pulled away and said firmly: "and we will. Just let me grab my standard Torchwood blaster. And put my backpack in the TARDIS. I have a plan." John said: "hand me your backpack and I'll put it in the TARDIS for you." Then Rose handed her backpack to John. Then Rose ran and grabbed her gun and slung it over her head and moved it to where it settled on her back. John put her backpack in the TARDIS. Then Rose ran over to John. John caught her in his arms. Rose stayed there in his arms for a while. Then they pulled away. Rose said: "take my hand. We're not taking the TARDIS. The TARDIS is too conspicuous. If we're going to rescue the people that the Daleks took, then we need to be inconspicuous. Follow me." John looked at her outfit and said: "you're the one with all the fancy technology. Let me guess. Courtesy of Torchwood?" Rose said: "yep. I have a device that allows two people to move around undetected. The device renders us invisible. We'll use that once we're on board. I came up with a plan in advance." John slid his hand into hers. Then Rose raised her wrist and hit a button on her watch. Then they beamed up to the Dalek home ship. They beamed into a closet. John said: "why are we in a closet?" Rose grabbed the device and activated it. They were rendered invisible. Rose slipped the device into her jacket and grabbed her gun and removed the strap. John said: "does the device work on your gun too?" Rose said: "yep. The Torchwood team tested it. It's go time. Let's go." Then Rose opened the door and walked out followed by John. Rose blasted the Daleks as she went. They reached where the people were being held. John said: "how the bloody hell are we going to get in there?" Rose said: "grab your sonic screwdriver. You go. I'll cover you." John grabbed his sonic screwdriver. Rose said: "go! I've got you covered." John nodded and took off running. Rose blasted the Daleks. John slid under the door just before it closed. Rose blasted the door down. Then Rose deactivated the device. Then Rose stepped into the room. She said firmly: "John, take the people back down to earth. I have to take out the Emperor Dalek." John said: "be careful." Rose grabbed a spare watch and handed it to John and stepped out of the room and activated the device and walked to the throne room. The Emperor shot her. She fell to the floor. But she raised her gun and blasted the Emperor Dalek and then beamed down to earth. John and the other people arrived at the same time she did. Rose lay on the ground. She died. The gun fell out of her hand. John sent the people back to their homes. Then John looked around and spotted Rose laying on the ground, dead. John yelled: "No! Rose!" Then John took off running over to Rose. Just as he reached her side, she regenerated. John backed up. He knew enough to stand back during regeneration. A golden glow surrounded Rose from the inside out. John had to shield his eyes. John waited until she fully regenerated. When the golden glow faded, John unshielded his eyes. Rose opened her eyes and sat up. John walked over and knelt down beside her and said: "Rose?" Rose looked at him. He said: "bloody hell. I'm going to have to get used to red hair. You definitely look like your name. Come on." Rose said: "The Emperor Dalek shot me the moment I set foot in the throne room. The shot deactivated the device. To be fair, I managed to blast the Emperor Dalek and then beamed down to earth with my remaining strength. Ugh. Now I know how you feel after you regenerate." John said: "I'm going to carry you back to the TARDIS. I put your backpack in my room." Then he grabbed her Torchwood blaster and wrapped her arms around his neck and scooped her up and carried her bridal style back to the TARDIS. He walked in and kicked the door shut with his foot and walked up the ramp into his room and set her on his bed and helped her out of her jacket and set it aside on a nearby chair. Then he took off her shoes for her and eased her down onto her back and pulled the covers up around her and walked out of his room and walked down the ramp into the console room and set course for Gallifrey. Unbeknownst to John and Rose, a time vortex had been created and was pulling them to Gallifrey along with the eleventh incarnation of John.

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