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The past few days, Luke has been helping me in math in class. Ms. Lex hasn't been feeling well, so we've had a substitute for the past week or so, and he's nice so he just lets everyone work together to do the sheets she wants us to do.

I seem to be getting better and better at the stuff we've learned with all of Luke's help. Neither of us have brought up his offer to help after school, and I wasn't planning on doing it.

"I don't really want to do math today." Luke put my pencil down and I sighed.

"I don't want to do it any day." I answered honestly, and he laughed. "That was serious."

"No, I know. I just think it's kind of funny because you hate math so much." He bit his lip - something I've noticed he does a lot. His lip ring always shines from the sunlight that comes through the window and I find it oddly beautiful.

I still have yet to mention the party and how he asked me to..

I know he won't remember it, and I know he's not that type of guy. The way he acts towards me is very nice, helping me with math and all. He doesn't seem like the type to be a fuckboy. I like Luke. Not in a romantic way, but I like him a lot, as a friend. I'm not comfortable around most guys but I'm a bit more comfortable around him than most.

"You still haven't gotten back to me about doing math after school....?"

I panicked.

"Oh, uh.. Sure, I guess. If you want to see me mess up even more than you do." I laughed.

"Hey! You're not doing bad." He put his hand softly on my knee. "Do you want to come over after school?"



I got through the rest of the boring school day and met Luke where he told me to meet him which was at the library.

"Hey." He smiled.


"Let's go to my car, yeah?"


We were on our way to Luke's car when I suddenly remembered I have to pick up my mom from work.

"Shit." I stopped walking and Luke turned.

"What?" His eyes widened and he stepped towards me looking worried.

"I have to pick my mom up from work." I ran my hand through my hair.

"That's it? Jesus, I thought you were hurt or something." A deep breath came from him and he smiled. "Just text me your address and I'll pick you up at home in a bit or something. If you want, of course." He passed me his phone after he opened his contacts and I put my number in with the kitten emoji.

"Okay I'll text you now so you have it. Just tell me when to get you, love!"

Shivers went down my spine as I walked to my car at the sound of him calling me love. I don't have a crush on him, no, I don't. But it just gave me the shivers to hear someone call me that.

I drove to moms work and picked her up, drove to Dunkins, then home.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

I knew she'd be able to tell that something was off.


"Hey, something's up. Come on." She nudged my shoulder and I knew I had to tell her.

"A boy from math is coming to pick me up so we can study at his house." I said, staying away from making eye contact.

"Oh.. Okay."

I was expecting her to say more and ask more questions, but honestly I was thanking God that she didn't.

When I got inside, I changed from my jeans into a pair of leggings and an oversized tee shirt. I decided to text Luke before I made some tea.

My phone buzzed about 30 seconds after I sent my text.

Luke: I can't have you over tonight. Tomorrow?

I was slightly disappointed but I texted back as if I wasn't. (Their names in the texts are how Luke has hers and how she has his.)

Rhiannon :-): Yeah, that's fine

I brought my cup up to my room and worked on my math homework alone, remembering the tips Luke gave me and using them on the problems.

Although I didn't want to, I couldn't help but wonder why he cancelled. It's none of my business, but I just wanted to know. My phone buzzed again and I saw another message from Luke.

Luke: Something important came up. Sorry.

Now my mind was wandering off even more and wondering what it was. I didn't want to ask because again, it's none of my business.

Rhiannon :-): No worries

I finished my homework early and decided to take a nap.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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