Chapter 5: We steal

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I stared confused at the man who was still smiling at me and I thought" how does this man know my full name". You see only three people in this world know my full name.'me, my mom and my elementary school teacher. Not even chuck knows so I just couldn't believe that someone I just met knows something that even my best friend doesn't.

When he saw my shocked face he chuckled amused" I'm sure you're probably wondering how I came to know your name. I'm I right Jason?".

I subconsciously nodded still deep in my thoughts.

"Well you see, I was told by someone very close to you". He said still with a smile on his face.

"Someone close to me" I thought, Who could that be. It couldn't have been my mom, I don't think she will associate herself with people like this, it couldn't have been chuck because he doesn't even know my name and let's not even talk about my elementary school teacher, I don't think she would even remember my face not to talk of my name.

I just started at him indicating my confusion.

He sighed and said" don't worry everything would be revealed in time".

Then he suddenly stood up, turned towards the man in glasses and said"Peter I need you to keep an eye on Vincent for me, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid before I speak to him".

"Understood sir" he answered, stood up and walked out of the room, passing me a smile before leaving. I was really confused at this rate, why are they smiling at me. Could this be what they do before finishing off their target.

Then he turned towards the others and said " this meeting is over, you can now return back to work". After he finished speaking all the remaining people seated stood up and headed out.

When everyone had gone out, he turned towards us and said" let's go for a walk". Then he strode out of the room with the two guards following him.

Chuck and I exchange glances not understanding what was going on. Aren't they supposed to let us beg for our lives like in the movies, or could it be that they want to give us hope before squashing it.

I looked at chuck again and nodded at him indicating for us to follow the man. Wherever this leads we'll find a way to solve it at the end. And by solve it I mean beg for our lives.

We hurriedly left the room trying to catch up with the man. When we got close to him we slowed down intending to keep our distance." It's better to be safe than sorry". I thought. If only we had thought of that before picking up the money.

After walking in silence for a while, another elevator came to view. We got into it and it started moving on it's own again which creeped me out.

"Do you know where you are Jason?" the man asked out of nowhere.

Know where I am?!!!, I screamed in my head. Seriously, after coming to our house, pointing a gun at me and kidnapping us do you expect me to know where I am.

But I didn't say any of that out loud. I just shook my head and said "no sir".

He looked at me and said" my name is Charles, don't call me 'sir'. Only my subordinates call me that and your not one of them. Not yet at least".

"What does he mean by not yet" I thought but just nodded my head and said"Ok Mr Charles".

Just then the doors of the elevator opened and we stepped out of it to enter a long hallway with doors and glass windows attached to it's walls.

Charles lead the way as he spoke" This is one of the many branches of the BLUE MOON ORGANIZATION".

I nodded understanding since I already heard from that Vincent guy, and the room that we just walked into had the letters B.M.O  writing on it.

He continued speaking"You see we are an underground organization that has been operating for centuries now. We have been working in the shadows even before you were born, trying to make the world a better place for the poor".

"Make the world a better place with guns" I thought. You might as well start using nuclear weapons.

I kept my thoughts to myself though and asked" what do you guys do".

He stopped walking turned around to look at me and said with a smile"We steal".

(• •)

My mind actually went blank for a second. Did this man just say 'THEY STEAL'. How in the world is stealing making the world a better place for the poor. I mean if stealing makes the world a better place wouldn't everyone steal. Then out of nowhere something clicked into my brain. " Wait a moment if they steal, doesn't that mean the money they took from us was stolen as well" I thought speechless.

He chuckled and said" surprised right?, It's perfectly normal to be confused, please allow me to explain. even though we steal, we don't do the type of stealing you know".

"Not the type of stealing I know" I thought confused. How many types of stealing exist, isn't it just as simple as taking what doesn't belong to you.

He continued" You see, we steal from the rich and give to the poor".

"So your like Robbin Hood" I said before I could think.

"You could say that" he said not taking offense to what I said, then thought for a while and continued"I know it's hard to believe but it's true. We take from the rich and not just any rich person, I'm talking about those who have  more than enough or those who get their money through unclean means. Then we give to those who truly need it. Let's take the 30 million dollars we collected from you for example, as I'm speaking to you now the money should have been distributed to various orphanages around the city".

I was clearly surprised by what he said.

" I know it's hard to believe, but what gain do I get from lying to you. I'm instead trying to gain your trust".

"Why" I asked clearly confused. Why would he want me to trust him. It's not like I have something he wants, they already took their money, what else do they want from me.

He kept silent for a while. It seemed as though he was pondering over something.

After sometime it seemed as though he had made up his mind. He looked at me and said for the first time with a serious tone" Because I want you to join us".

(• •)

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