Chapter 6: What IF I Refuse ?

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30 seconds later...

"Ehh Mr Charles, I think I heard you wrong. Can you please repeat what you said".

"You didn't hear wrong Jason, I do want you to join us. You and your friend of course".

I turned to look at chuck who as well had a shocked look on his face. That further confirmed the fact that I didn't hear wrong.

What does this man mean by he wants us to join them. Weren't we brought here to beg for our lives, how did it turn into a job offer. The number of weird things that has happened to me this past days just keep increasing and Increasing.

After thinking for a while I said with a laugh"hahaha. Mr Charles I never took you as someone who could tell jokes. What a good one, I almost fell for it".

But he didn't laugh or smile to my dismay. He just kept a straight serious face and answered" Jason, do I look like a person who's joking to you. You must understand that this opportunity isn't given to just anyone, the men or women we employ are from different parts of the world. From the military,to special agents, ex war heros, air Force, Marine and sometimes even criminals we see potential in. So you must understand that we don't hire here for fun, our men are the best in the world".

By the time he finished speaking I was in shock"military, Marine and even air Force soldier. This means this organization was not child's play". But that further confused me on why they would want to employ someone like me or chuck. We might be physically strong since we do a lot of hard labor, but that's just it. Apart from that what else do we offer that makes them want to hire us.

After thinking of that, I asked him" Mr Charles, like you said the men you have here are the best from all over the world, they Excel in everything they do and have received training for a very long period of time. Compared to me I'm pretty much nothing, so I don't really see why you would want someone like me or chuck in your organization".

"Your right" he said."you can't even be compared to our youngest trainee who should be around 15. But that isn't the point, anyone can become better with practice. And besides the reason I'm trying to poach you has nothing to do with your physically ability, but something else".

"Something else, what could that be" I thought. Like I said before I can't think of a single thing that piques the interest of the man in front of me.

"What is the 'something else' your talking about Mr Charles" I asked curious.

He finally smiled again and said" like I told you before, everything will be revealed in time".

That left me quite annoyed" revealed in time, when is that time coming. You can't just leave me in the dark forever right" I thought.

But I still had my suspicion. I knew something was wrong but just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Seeing me lost in my thoughts, he shook his head and asked" so what's it going to be Jason. Are you in or out".

I stared at the man for awhile trying to see if I can read something out of him, but to na avail.

With a sigh I asked" and what if we refuse to join you?". I asked with a heavy heart.

The smile on his face vanished completely which made the hair on my body stand. With a straight face, he said"follow me" then he started walking further into the hallway.

I turned to look at chuck again only to find him staring at me with daggers in his eyes. I could clearly see what he was trying to say.' Why did you have to get the man angry'  was clearly written on his face. But I cried back with my own facial expression ' How was I supposed to know he would get angry with just a simple question'. He glared at me one more time before hurrying to catch up with Charles, obviously trying to pacify him with his obedience.

I smiled bitterly at myself before hurrying to catch up with them.

As we were walking I got a view of what was inside the rooms by the walls which shocked me. Each room had about twenty to thirty men, and they were undergoing serious training. In the first few rooms the training there wasn't to serious, they were just practicing hand to hand combat. But as we progressed further, you could see people training with guns, knifes and even bombs.

When Mr Charles saw my awed face, he said with pride" as you can see training isn't easy at all. Only the best are selected for our missions. You haven't even seen all of it yet, this is only the physical training stage, after this they undergo strategic planning training. You know being a thief isn't all about knowing how to fight and shoot guns, you need to know how to analyze situations and see the best possible outcome of everything you do". While saying that he lead us to one of the rooms in which target practice was taking place.

When we entered no one paid attention to us, they just focused on what they were doing. From up close I could see how good their gunning range was.


The shots rang out one after the other, always hitting the head of the test dummy. This just proved that indeed they have the best.

Buy I just couldn't hold in my curiosity, so I asked" Mr Charles, you say you steal for the poor and try to help the society. Then why is it necessary to be armed when carrying out your operations. Don't tell me you guys kill just to accomplish your goal".

He nodded while saying" That's a good question. Like I said before we are the best at what we do, we train our men not to commit an errors during assignments. In and out without being spotted. But you know not everything goes as planned all the time, so we have the need for backup plan which involves using force. But I assure you we don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary".

I nodded understandingly

Then Mr Charles continued talking"An example is the  case we have here right now. Jason not only have you had a tour of our branch, you have seen the faces of high ranking executives of the organization".

His words made my mouth go dry. "What's the meaning of this, I didn't ask you to show me your faces, or give me a tour. You did it on your own and now your blaming me"I thought afraid.

He then waved his hand I the air and what happened next made me almost wet my pants.

Twenty five or more guns we're pointing at me and chuck, just waiting for the signal to send us to our creator.

Then Mr Charles gave me and innocent look while saying with a smile"You don't have to bother Jason, no pressure at all. Whatever you decide I'll support you. So are you in or out".

Chuck (• •)...

Jason (• •)...

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