Zuzu Wake Up!!

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"Momma I can still be a hero right?" I ask, staring at my mom, hoping for an answer that I knew would never come.

"Izu, I don't think momma can give you the answer you want," Izuki, my twin sister, says.

"I'm sorry Izuku," My mom says pulling me into a hug.

That was two years ago. Mom has married again to a man that has a child of his own. He and his son get along well with Izuki and mom but not me. They changed my mom and sister, feeding them lies about me. Giving them a reason to hate me, giving them a reason to hurt me. Izuki calls that man dad, but I call him a different name. A more cruel name, AFO or All for One, his villain name.

(I would like to say that Inko and AOF have been dating for a little while now. So when when Izuku presented Quirkless, AOF already had a lot of trust built with Inko and Izuki.)

Over the years mom and Izuki changed to what AFO and his son, Shigaraki, want them to be. AFO spoils Izuki, and gives mom all the love she could dream of, but I knew it was fake. Any time AFO would do anything that would but a smile on mom or Izuki's face he'd have this smirk on his face, that just screamed bad.

"Izuku! Get up!" Mom yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Coming mom!" I yell grabbing my backpack.

Coming downstairs I hear AFO talking to my mom.

"Honestly I don't see why we should send him to school. He doesn't even have a quirk," he says, glaring at me.

"What else do you want me to do? Keep him here with me all day?" mom says with disgust.

AFO rolls his eyes and walks out the door. I follow behind him, getting in the back seat of his car, next to Izuki. Before we met AFO and Shigaraki, Izuki would talk to me the whole ride, but now she doesn't even look at me.

"Daddy, do you think we could go to the park after school?" Izuki asks.

"Sorry princess, but Izuku and I have to go somewhere after school," AFO says focusing on the road.

Izuki sits back in her seat glaring at me. "Where would you have to go with him?" she asks.

"That's for me and Izuku to know," AFO says.

"May I know where we're going?" I ask.

"No," he says.

"But you said-" I start.

"Izuku I said no!" he raises his voice.

I stop and sit back in my seat, looking out of the window. 

When we got to school, all three of us unbuckled.

"Izuku wait," AFO said, not even turning his head to look at me.

I stay in my seat waiting to be dismissed.....but it never came. AFO had me re-buckle my seat belt. He started driving again, I thought we were going some where after school? Oh well it's better than seeing Kacchan and his goons. It felt like an hour before we stopped. AFO got out the car, but I stayed. I watched as he came around the car and to my door. Opening it, revealed a smirk on his face. I looked down and he held a needle, full of an unknown substance. The next thing I know the needle is shoved into my arm, with the substance entering my body. My vision started to get blurry as I drift in and out of consciousness.

"Zuzu Wake Up!!"


Hey Author here, when I'm writing these, if you see any mistakes let me know, I'm always trying to do better at writing my stories. Plus I write these through out the day, at least this story I have been, publish them, and then I go back and reread the entire story start to finish to do a full edit, so if you go and read this story one day and go back to reading it the next there might be a changes in the story, and some helpful pointers to help with the flow of the story. I hope you enjoy!

Also 570 words!!! 

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