Can't be loved

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I hear a scream, it was Eri! She sounded scared.

Within the next second I was sitting up and alert, some guy was trying to drag Eri out of our room. I immediately rush to help her. Pushing the guy away from her, and keeping my wings surrounding the trembling child. I let out a growl. Letting the man know to stay away.

The man stands up, and I'm able to get a better look at him. He isn't master or one of the scientists that work here?

"Look kid, I'm not here to hurt you." the man starts. "I'm one of the good guys, a hero. All I'm trying to do is get her to safety."

Get her to safety. He's going to save her? I look down at Eri, who is still shaking.

I wave my hand to get her attention. I quickly sign You should go with him.

"No! No Zuzu!" She says getting closer to me. "I'm not leaving you!"

But you have to Eri. You don't have to worry about me. I have to stay here

"No! If you stay I'm staying." her voice sounds more angry than scared.

Eri I'm not something that can be saved. You still have a chance to be something. I don't.

I know it hurts her but i can't go. All because I'm a monster.

"O-okay." she sounds so sad. Isn't she supposed to be happy? She's getting out of here. She's getting away from me.

She starts to walk to the man at the door. Who still has a hold of his scarf, guessing that if I try to pull anything. She stops. She turns around and run towards me, jumping onto me, giving me a hug.

"I'll miss you!" She says.

Miss me? Why would she miss me? I'm a monster, a freak. I'm something that would easily hurt her, with a single swish of my hand

She gets off of me and goes back to the man. He picks her up and starts walking away. Closing the door behind him. I'm left alone again. Guess this is how it has to be. I go back to the pile of pillows and lay down. Facing the other way. Anytime I try to go back to sleep I'm reminded that Eri's not here and that she'll never be coming back.

Weeks went by and it was the same thing, over and over again. I get up, have tests run, thrown back into my room, reminded Eri isn't here, and then go to sleep.

Every single day, I slowly slipped away, I was no long there. The tests that had once given me a discomfort now did nothing. The happy feeling that I'd get when I'd be sent back to my room, now wasn't there. All fight I had in me, disappeared. Everything I was before Eri came, was now back, just an empty shell to be used. At least Eri gave me a purpose I liked. Now I have no one. 

I wish I could see Eri now. Able to play with kids her age, instead of a monster that doesn't even remember what the outside looks like. She'd have a family that would give her everything she'd need and want. I'm sure she's already forgot about the monster that she had to be with for 6 months of her life.

I guess monster really can't be loved.


Hey Author here, when I'm writing these, if you see any mistakes let me know, I'm always trying to do better at writing my stories. Plus I write these through out the day, at least this story I have been, publish them, and then I go back and reread the entire story start to finish to do a full edit, so if you go and read this story one day and go back to reading it the next there might be a changes in the story, and some helpful pointers to help with the flow of the story. I hope you enjoy! (this note will always be at the bottom of this story, that way I always have an author's note, I might ad a few things every now and then to let you all know important things.)

Also 552 words! 

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