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I guess monsters really can't be loved.

Years later I'm still in the same room, with the same walls, the same pillows, the same blankets, a little less food, the only thing different was that today felt off. Like something was going to happen. I don't know if I should be excited or scared. One cause I don't remember what those feel like and two I don't really want to know what's going to happen.

I was laying on my pile of pillows, waiting for someone to come and take me to the testing room, but they never came. After a while past the time they normally come, I went and sat near the room.

That was until I hear the sounds of fighting and people running around.

I moved back to my nest hoping that what ever was happening, didn't come to the only place I feel safe at. But alas my hopes and dreams never some true, someone opened the door. Letting in all the noise that the door was saving my tender ears from listening to. I stuffed my head and body down into my pillows, trying hard to escape all the noise that was terrorizing my ears. Until a cheerful and calming voice met my ears.

"Zuzu?" it said.

I popped my head up looking for the cause of the voice. There stood a little girl, not much taller than the last time I saw her. Same beautiful long blue hair, same gentle red eyes, same little horn on top of her head. Eri!

I ran to her, holding on to her like she was going to disappear the second I let go.

"Zuzu, your squeezing to hard," She says causing me to let her go, and move backwards, sitting back down on the floor.

I finally get to see her again, and I've already hurt her. My ears flatten.

"Zuzu, I'm okay! Look not a single scratch." She says walking toward me.

I shake my head and move backwards. I can't hurt her! She's the only person that showed me love. I quickly sign Stay back, I'm a monster!

"Zuzu, you're not a monster!" she says continuing to walk towards me.

I don't moving away and she comes up and wraps her arms around me. Moving one hand up to my head, lightly touching my ears. Just like she did when she was stuck here. I let out a purr from the comfort that gives me.

"Zuzu, we're getting you out of here." she says. "They brought me along, so that you'd have a familiar face to rely on."

I look up at her, she was smiling. They came back...for me?

"And guess what!" She says excitedly "You'll get to live with me! And get to go to school!" She says happily.

School, why would I want to go to school. Sounds familiar but I can't remember what it was.

School? I sign

"You don't remember school?" She asks, now remembering that I don't remember really anything from my life before coming here. I shake my head.

"I'll tell you when we get home. But first we need to get out of here." She says helping me up, kind of. "Aizawa!" she yells.

The same guy that came in here to take Eri away was here now. My first instinct kicked in and wrapped my wings around her. She giggled.

"Zuzu, he won't hurt you or me!" she says grabbing my hand to bring me out of here.

The way we went, made it to where we never saw the fighting. Which was much appreciated. We got outside and there was a lot of people. Lots of them charged up their quirks when seeing me. Causing me to go back inside, hiding behind the wall.

Eri came back in to be with me. Providing a sense of comfort, while that Aizawa guy was getting things under control. He came back into the building and guiding us both out again. This time the people out there were trying to help me, instead of causing me harm. Not like I would have cared. Any quirk they would have used on me wouldn't have hurt. Thanks to the multiple years of being a test subject, made it to where I don't have any effect from quirks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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