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Tasmaera had heard tales that the ancient city of Veceda was a city split in two, but she'd always presumed it was simply because of the coiling river slicing through the city.

Now, with the city looming before her, she realised she'd been very wrong. If anything, the river was the bridge, uniting the two almost opposite banks.

From her vintage point beside the docked passenger ship, the other side of the city gleamed gold and bronze, with dingy yellow-hued lamps lighting the streets.

A stark contrast to her side; with the thousands of lights decorating each building, almost indistinguishable from the stars blanketing the sky; casting the streets below under a silvery glow bright enough to see even distant store fronts.

"Well, would you look at that! The might House of Lerondiya has been reduced to a gawking fool."

She snapped her mouth shut as she turned to regard her travel companion. Hazel eyes glared back at her, almost out of place against Gilaya's cold, unruly smile.

Tasmaera said nothing. She had better things to do than argue and bicker.

But Gilaya's grin only widened. "And now another disappointment for your House! You're just a Sa – you wouldn't want to be caught ignoring an Elles Sa, would you?"

Just a Sa.

As though being the daughter of a city's ruler was somehow supposed to be an insult. She'd been born into a family with more wealth and power than the vast majority of Sapronese citizens!

"And I'm sure the House of Palaisi wouldn't want their heir starting pointless arguments," she turned to face the city again, trying to keep her voice cool. Years—she'd waited years to come here! She would not let anyone ruin it for her, not now!

Her gaze roved over the two banks. The difference between the two sides was jarring; like gold and silver. Summer and winter. Day and night. Contrasting and yet complimenting each other, in a way that ended up breathtaking.

Unlike anything she'd seen back home in Sapron.

"You know," Gilaya continued, her voice almost sounding sweet. "Last I heard, your mother was considering making someone outside your family Elles Sa."

Another barb.

She sighed. There would be a lot of barbs in the coming months.

If only Naryen or Ellenora had come, instead of Gilaya! Both were from notable Sapronese cities—and were substantially more delightful company. Gods, even Gilaya's younger brother, Ponterro, would have been better!

But... she wasn't here with any of them. Only Gilaya, and her endless scoffs and sneers.

Slowly, she glanced back towards her travel companion, offering her own sweet smile. "Good. Let it be known that the House of Lerondiya looks for the best for its people, rather than just its family."

Gilaya's eyes burned. Her jaw worked; opening and closing as she tried—and failed—to come up with a retort.

Tasmaera relaxed. No doubt there would be more barbs later, but for now at least, she could enjoy a few moments of peace.

A flicker of movement caught her eye. Most of the other passengers were long gone, drifting down the streets, leaving only a few others loitering around the docks—and a figure approaching them. She blinked. Whoever he was, he hadn't been on board the ship; she surely would have recognised him!

The man halted in front of them, his mane of red hair swaying beneath his dark green top hat. Red hair. She stared, unable to help herself. She'd never seen hair such a colour before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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