The Final Battle

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I looked at Marlina and her face turned pale. I saw Marlina's whole-body tremble. I turned back to face Linda; she held her phone out towards me and then told me one thing. Run.

I grabbed Linda's phone and ran for it. I had to show someone, anyone this video. I had to put Marlina behind bars with Bobby. I ran to the elevators and quickly tried to press the buttons. When the doors opened, I heard a loud boom. Did Marlina start the process of using magic? I knew the elevators were unsafe, and if Marlina truly did already start using Sparkle Scallywag's horn to bring back Twinkle Tots, I had to use the stairs.

With each step I felt the ground rumble. I was running down the stairs when I felt a frigid air brush through me... I knew it was Twinkle Tots. I kept running and running. Before I got to the door for the first floor, I saw a shadow pash by me and go through the door... it was Twinkle Tots. I didn't want to open the door, but I had to check. When I slowly opened the door, I saw the old steed standing right in front of me. Twinkle Tots the evil, dark horse, was standing directly in front of me. I quickly turned around trying to run back up the stairs to get away from Twinkle Tots, but a pull of magic brought me back. I fell to the floor and Twinkle Tots stood right above me.

I was done for. I was going to die. My life flashed before my eyes. I thought of Linda and all the good times we had. I thought of my dad and how wonderful he was to me when we lost my mom and my sister. I thought of the wonderful adventures I and Sparkle Scallywag had. And most important of all... I thought of Lizzy. I thought about how I'd never see her again. Then it came to me. If Marlina brought back Twinkle Tots... she also brought back Lizzy. I had to live. There was no way I was going to let an old horse named Twinkle Tots end me. I was going to see Lizzy again.

I quickly thought of what I could do to escape Twinkle Tots, but none came to mind. I was stuck. Before I could even take in another thought I heard a loud bang. That loud bang was a bullet. And that bullet went right through Twinkle Tots. I was shocked. I turned to see who fired the bullet and it was none other than Marlina. Marlina wanted Twinkles Tots' powers! I almost forgot! I quickly got up and ran back up the stairs. I knew she wanted Linda's phone, so I had to get as far away from Marlina as possible.

When I reached the second floor again, I looked around for another staircase I could take to go down. I kept passing through the hallways hoping to find one... but I found something even better. I found her. I. Found. Lizzy. I ran towards her and gave her a big hug! I couldn't believe it. Lizzy was finally back! Lizzy stared at me with a confused face. With tears rolling down my face I told her it had been a year since she'd gone. She looked at me with another confused face, so I told her to ignore it. I was glad to finally have my best friend back.

I remembered that Marlina and Twinkle Tots were after me, so I grabbed Lizzy's hand and asked her to come with me. She was asking me questions, but I didn't have time to respond. I finally found another staircase and ran down it. I heard lots of booms and bangs from the floor I was on. I knew it was Marlina and Twinkle Tots. I saw that doctors and nurses of sorts were gathering patients and bringing them outside to the front of the hospital to get everyone to safety. I ran up to one of the doctors and told them to hold Linda's phone. The doctor asked me why and I told her it was important. I told Lizzy to stay outside because it wasn't safe inside. Lizzy tried to interject, but I didn't listen. I put my hair into a ponytail and walked inside. I had to find Sparkle Scallywag to fix her horn.

I got flashbacks of the race from last year and how much of a disaster it was. I wanted to end Twinkle Tots and I wanted to end her for good. When I walked inside, I saw broken lights and broken furniture. I went to the closest where I hid Sparkle Scallywag, and she wasn't there. Did Sparkle Scallywag go out to find Twinkle Tots? Hopefully she didn't because Sparkle Scallywag had no magic to defend herself.

I went back to Linda's room hoping I would find Sparkle Scallywag's horn but what I found was Linda still in her room. I thought one of the doctors would surely have taken her out to safety, but no. Linda was wide awake with a scared face. I didn't ask any questions because when I looked down, I saw Sparkle Scallywag's horn. Something fell off to me... I didn't know what it was, but I felt like this was too easy. Linda told me to stop walking, but I didn't listen to her. Right before I could even bend down to get Sparkle Scallywag's horn a shadow appeared in front of me. It was Marlina. Marlina killed Twinkle Tots... herself.

Marlina quickly snatched up the horn for herself. I was scared. I tried to yell back for the horn, but Marlina interrupted me. Marlina asked for the phone first. I then went to tell her I gave one of the doctors the phone. Marlina had a disappointed face. Marlina then raised her hand and pointed it at Linda. Marlina then went on to tell me that she would use a magic blast to get rid of Linda if I didn't get that phone back. I told her again that I didn't have the phone. Marlina started charging up her magic and I closed my eyes. I then heard a bang. That bang didn't come from Marlina though... it came from Lizzy.  

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