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The guys of One Direction nudged one another as Penelope moved closer. Louis was the first member that the girls encountered.

“Hi, Louis!” Charlotte put her hands on the table and tiptoed so her head was fully above the table.

“Awh, hi! What’s your name?”

“I’m Charlotte. I’m eight years old.” She liked to tell people that. She’s proud to be eight.

“You’re so cute! Is this your daughter?” Louis inquired.

Penelope smiled because she was asked this a lot, “No, she’s my niece.” She noticed some of the guys turned to look at her when she talked.

“Oh, she looks a lot like you,” Liam said matter of factly.

“Yeah, she really does. What’s your name?” Zayn asked from the middle of the table.

Penelope looked around and finally realized he was talking to her, “Me? I’m Penelope. Well, Nell.”

“Penelope,” Niall said teasingly to Harry who was hiding his face. She laughed at the entire situation and kept on moving with Charlotte.

“So, what’s your favorite song, Charlotte?” Liam asked.

Charlotte thought about it for a moment, “I like Truly, Madly, Deeply!” It took her a moment to say the title as she had to think of the order of the words.

“I like that one a lot too!” He smiled. “Do you know the words?” Charlotte nodded with a small smile. “Do you want to sing it with me?”

“If Nelly sings it with us!” She reached up for Penelope to hold her. “You’ll sing with us, right?”

“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Penelope hoisted her niece up on her waist.

Liam began singing the first verse, “Am I asleep? Am I awake or somewhere in-between?”

Penelope and Charlotte joined in, “I can’t believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine.”

Niall smiled at Charlotte and started singing his verse.

“You’re good at this,” Zayn said to Charlotte, signing a cd and a poster. She giggled and buried her face into Penelope’s arm. They took a few steps down so they were in front of Niall.

“I’m just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world,” they sang, finishing Niall’s section. Penelope played with Charlotte’s hair to pull her out of her shyness.

Harry began to sing then Louis and Zayn eventually followed and Charlotte turned to them and sang along, “Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So, baby, say you’ll always keep me truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you, in love with you.” Harry reached out and poked Charlotte’s stomach making her squeal and giggle. Charlotte started clapping and Penelope followed suit.

“That was really sweet of you all,” Penelope cooed, genuinely moved that they were so nice to her niece.

“Well you guys are awesome for waiting in line so long,” Niall said with a grin. “Right, Harry?” He said, urging his band mate to say something.

“Yeah, it’s super cool that you’d wait so long to see us,” He said with a small smile. Penelope set Charlotte down.

“Can I have hugs?” She asked looking at them.

“Well of course you can!” Louis exclaimed. Charlotte ran over to him and hugged him first. Louis looked at Penelope. “Come on, you too!”

She laughed, “Why not? I you guys are great.” She proceeded to walk around the table and hug each of the boys and give them a kiss on the cheek. When she got to Harry, she noticed that they looked at each other for a moment right after they hugged. “Well, thank you, boys!” she took Charlotte’s hand and waved at Casey and Hadley as they walked to the table then at the boys as they began to leave.

“Aye! Penelope!” They heard someone yell as they were about to leave. It was Niall. He had a paper ball in his hand. He pointed at it and then threw it to Penelope. Harry had his face buried in his hands.

Penelope caught and opened the crumpled ball. The paper said, “What’s your ticket number?”

She reached into her pocket and grabbed the small ticket with numbers written horizontally across the bottom. “One-three-five-seven!” Penelope shouted back at him. Zayn repeated it to confirm and Penelope nodded that he got it right. But she was utterly confused as to why it mattered. Charlotte smiled from ear to ear. Finally after that, Penelope and Charlotte left the line.

“Wasn’t that so much fun, Charlie?”

She danced around in circles, “I can’t believe we got to sing with One Direction!”

“Yeah, it was so much fun! Are you ready to say bye to our friends and go back home now?”

Penelope took her niece’s hand and started walking toward the exit.

“No, we can’t leave!” The small girl whined.

“Why not?” Penelope humored.

“Because,” Charlotte said as if the answer should be obvious. “They’re going to pick us for the VIP thingy!”

“What VIP thingy?”

“There’s a raffle thing at the end and if you win you get to hang out with One Direction! That’s why they asked for your ticket number! Duh!”

“Well aren’t you just the smarty!” The aunt said in response to Charlotte’s sass. “If it’s a raffle, why would it matter what my ticket number is, Charlie?”

Casey walked up behind them. “They’re going to cheat because Harry likes you.”

“No, he doesn’t.” Penelope said laughing as if the thought were absurd. However, she was secretly hopeful that it was true. “I look like” she stopped herself from swearing, “a mess”.

“I wish my ‘a mess’ looked like you then, honestly.”

Hadley put her hands on her hips, “When we were talking to them, mummy said ‘I saw you throw your pen at my friend’ and he smiled like this,” she stuck her chin in the air with an over exaggerated grin.

“Nelly, can we please stay? Please!” The young brunette begged. “I’ll love you forever! And Harry will love you forever! And we can take Hadley and Miss Casey with us!” Hadley got a big grin on her face.

Both of them wrapped their arms around Penelope and began pleading with her. So, rather quickly, Penelope caved. “Fine! We’ll stay, but Charlie, you know I have to have you home by five!” The young girls screamed with excitement.

“Well time to wait another couple hours,” Casey laughed shaking her head at their girls.

“Let’s go get food, guys!” Penelope suggested with a grumbling stomach.

“Ooh, can we get McDonald’s chips?” Charlotte asked with wide eyes.

Her aunt laughed. “Of course we can, Lottie. C’mon.”

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