Caught. Twice.

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~Random Classmate Comments~
Once I saw them walk into school together and Kye had hickeys all over his neck. They were really dark ones too!
~Kye's POV~
Holy shit. I didn't know Dari's dad was home, if knew I wouldn't have started kissing his neck.
~Dari's POV~
Oh no. This is bad. This is really really bad. When did he get home? Oh my god I'm dead. He's actually going to kill me now. First he catches me literally cuddling with Kye and now he caught Kye kissing my neck. My mom comes in after hearing all the commotion and asks what's happening, so obviously my dad has to yell "OUR SON IS FUCKING GAY." My mom acted surprised but honestly she probably already knew, pretty sure she walked in on us making out once. She responded calmly "Why do you say that?" But again my dad had to yell "HIS SO CALLED BEST FRIEND WAS KISSING HIS NECK!" She kinda reacted but not because Kye was kissing her sons neck it's because she didn't know how to defend him in this situation unlike the first time they were caught. She sighed "Ok fine. He's gay, so what? He loves who he loves." My dad look even more angry "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HE LOVES WHO HE LOVES' ITS WRONG!" My mom was getting irritated with my dads "Let's talk about this in a different room, not in front of the boys. Go to the living room, I'll meet you there." My dad, still angry, goes to the living while my mom stayed in the room, "You two can continue what you were doing while I go deal with your father," she said while walking over to the bed "I'm sorry you two had to hear that." She hugged them both and give them a kiss on the forehead. Then she left. I looked at Kye and just sat there till he hugged me, after awhile we ignored what just happened and cuddled while I left little kisses on his neck.
~Time skip~
I woke up with Kye cuddling with me and my mom opening the door. My mom came in and said quietly "I resolved the situation with your dad... kinda" Kinda? "I don't think he really likes the idea of you being gay but he can't do anything so he's agreed to be polite. Also I know you guys didn't do anything but you two both still have a little bit of a problem on your neck," I start to blush, then I look down at Kye and he had a lot more marks than me. I woke him up and told him we have school so we both got dress and tried to cover up most of the marks, well at least I tired. Kye really doesn't care if others see the marks and honestly if others weren't to scared to ask he'd probably tell them who made the marks. We walk into the school after coming from separate cars, not to give away that we were together, and since no one was there Kye decided to grab my ass.
~Kye POV~
Honestly if we didn't agree to hide our relationship I probably would've grab his ass more often, oh and looked at it. God damn his ass is fin- wait off topic. We go to first period after dropping our stuff off at our lockers, woohoo, and no one was there. Not even the teacher. So I decided to tease him a bit, cause it's not like anyone is gonna catch us. We sit down in our seat, right next to each other, and I put my hand on his thigh.
~Dari's POV~
WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS HIS HAND ON MY THIGH?! NOT EVEN LOWER HIGH ITS LITERALLY MY UPPER INNER THIGH! I turn a dark shade of red and look at him, of course he's smiling his goofy smile. Then the unthinkable happens and the teacher comes in through the back door in the classroom, which is unfortunately right behind us and his hand is on my thigh is clearly visible from behind us. Well shit. We hear the teacher stop in her tracks. "Valverde and Haynes what are you two doing?!" Kye removed his hand from my thigh, "Um nothing Miss, I just spilled something and was helping clean it off his leg." Kye quickly replied, Miss was not very happy with that answer because she had more than just a question about the thigh thing.. "That's not the problem here. It's your neck. What are those marks?!"
~To be Continued~

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