Introduction to Anastasia.

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Stage name: Anastasia.
Nicknames: Ana, tia, Ri
Birth name: Kang tae-ri.
English name: Tahlia
Birth place: Gangnam-gu, Seoul .
Birth date: December 7th 1998
Zodiac: Sagittarius.
Weight: N/A.
Height: 5'6".
Sexuality: Bisexual (unknown to public).
Training period: 2012-2017
Debut: march 10th 2017.
Age when made idol debut: 18
Acting debut: 2015

Fun facts
- Ana made her acting debut in the 2015 kdrama Sweet Temptation

- She has 2 budgies called Arthur and Merlin and a samoyed called juri gifted to her by her ex boyfriend

- is best friends with Nijirô Murakami also known as Chishiya in Netflix's Alice in borderland

- Her younger brother is Kang taehyun from Tomorrow by Together

- She is known as the unofficial 24th NCT member

- allergic to Aloe Vera and cats :(

-Is fluent in English, Japanese and Italian and learning Welsh, French and Tagalog

-Currently studying Architecture at SNU

-known to be very quiet around people she doesn't know well but very energetic around her friends and family

Likes- Txt, Getting new earrings, Watermelon milk tea, Tajin with mango, rainy days, staying indoors, straykids, SZA, The sidemen, Likes to show her love through baking, Sam and colby.

Dislikes- People who don't respect others, tight spaces, saesengs, thunder, a certain male from her past, loud chewers, clowns, needles, Andrew tate.

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A/N: I hope you liked this chapter , the layout is inspired by many soloist books I have read (included in my reading lists). If you have any requests or ideas for this book please let me know . τнänκ чöü ᰔᩚ

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