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You need to listen, 

Because this isn't something to take lightly, 

But you'll get ahold of things, 

I promise, 

You just need to take the time to listen, 

There was a girl, 

Had no parents, 

Had no siblings, 

Had no place to call home, 

There was something that caught her eye one day,

It's name was Beauty, 

She took it upon herself to take care of it,

That 'it' was a horse, 

That horse changed her life, 

She smiled more, 

Went out more, 

Laughed more, 

Talked more, 

She went out everyday to take care of Beauty, 

She would feed him, 

Brush him, 


But one day it all changed, 

One day she didn't come home, 

She didn't pet the horse, 

She didn't brush the horse, 

She did nothing. 

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