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the wind was harsh as the hunters glided their way through the dense swamp. their cäy'mín danced between the surface of the water with the results of their successful hunt slung over their backsides and the air filled with the sounds of their prideful chants as they approach their village. it was a good day. the plants seemed to dance along with their calls, swaying their vibrant colors in the open space. breathing in, the air was filled with life and pride. the world flourished here. ikarí felt specks of the swamp's mud begin to cake her face, a common occurrence after a hunt if she travels too quickly. she enjoyed the mud. to her, it symbolized victory.

(cäy'mín are similar to alligators cause they live in swamps)

peace is what she felt as they approached their home. a feeling that she welcomed, it was familiar. peace was something that was rare to ikarí. her life was filled with too much chaos for it to remain, but that did not prevent her to strive for it. it was the one thing she wished would linger in her life. but it always ran. she scares peace. the one feeling she longs to keep, too busy of her presence. so she welcomes and relishes in it arrivals, before it leaves again.

the air began to change as they neared their village. the plants froze and the world became still with anticipation. it was like land was warning the hunters, and the feeling scratched at their necks.

the tension was broken from a swift shadow casted over the group. they were are suddenly quieted. ikarí dark eyes widened as the group exchanged worried glances. her eyes darted upwards only to be left with a feeling of shock. an ikran. panic struck their bodies. her peace ran just as quickly as it came, leaving her empty. that void was quickly filled with a new feeling. fear. it rattled her blood as the animal targeted her home. her soul begins to bubble with overwhelming emotions, but she refuses to display them on her face. her panic can wait.

"warn the people. then we see what it wants." ikarí spoke calmly despite the worry boiling in her chest. she must stay calm for her group, it is the only way to proceed with peace.

they began to pace themselves with the foreign animal above, pushing ahead a bit to meet it on land. the hunters blow their warning horn, creating a chain reaction through the village. before long, the sound of the blow horns echoed through the village of Tawakamí. they were deep, baratine much like a bullfrog. the atmosphere became fearful and tense. the plants remained frozen and animals fled aimlessly while hunters cries shifted from one's of victory to one's of warning. approaching land, ikarí loaded her weapon with arrows, the hunters following. "circle it. wait to see what they want before proceeding." she commanded. she will not fail, not this time.

the hunters rush to surround the landing ikran. they were cautious, moving with purpose. the ground shook from the impact of the animal. ikarí directed her group to arm their weapons to the ikran, waiting for the riders next move. it was silent. even the bugs seized their constant songs in anticipation. the only sounds made were from the dark water, crashing against the shore. both parties waited to see who would proceed first. that was when the rider slid off the large animal, hands raised. the girl paused. the rider was young. his demeanor was calm and controlled, but his yellow eyes gave away his anxiety. he greeted them, they did not faultier. "who are you." her voice was demanding. the boy looked towards her.

something in his eyes shifted the moment he laid eyes on her before attempting to harden again. "i am lo'ak sully of the Metkayina clan. i come requesting to speak with the leader of your people . i mean no harm to you or your home." his voice was controlled but rehearsed like he was hiding his nerves behind a faulty mask.

his response confirmed to her his intentions, but did not ease her skepticism. her eyes briefly traveled his form, observing his demeanor. ikarí lowers her weapon and steps to his side. the hunters remain with theirs drawn. curiosity swarms the young girl's mind as her panic slowly flees her heart. he request to speak to their chief, but why? her eyebrows furrow as she dissects his words. the gears in her mind turned as she attempted to discover his motives. she could not decide if he was a threat.

something about him was different. she circles his frame, taking note of how the blue of his skin contrasted with her sea-green. her pacing was slow and observant, not wanting to let the stranger slip from her gaze. the more she stared, the more her confusion grew. her hands trailed his skin almost like she was assuring he was real. he was decorated with various shells and wooden beads both braided in his hair and tangled in the fabrics of his clothing. his markings contrasted his body in a way she had never seen. he was painted with the marks of eywa, but ones gifted to the metkayina, not omatacyan. curiosity now consumed the hunter because of this.

"where do you come from" she asks while taking note of his now ridged form.

his nerves filled her with pride knowing she causes intimidation. "what?" the boy was confused.

He felt his body lighten and turns to see his weapons in the girls hand. ikarí rolled her eyes at his question and continues to circle him. she takes his hair in her hand. it is finer than her course hair, there are no curls within his braids. she scans down his body, memorizing the marking on his toro before moving to his hands. suddenly her feet were glued in place as her blood ran cold.  four fingers.

"where are you from lo'ak sully." her tone laced with malice. "i told you, i come from the—" he is cut off by a swift tug at his wrist. the girl was examining his fingers, holding them to her face. she leans to his ear and mutters "you are not with them are you" she spoke quietly. the worry in her voice was subtle, but noticeable.

"what, with who?" lo'ak feels his body tense with her contact.

"the sky people. you are not here for them, correct?" lo'ak looks into her frighten eyes growing an understanding to her caution and fear

"no. i would never bring their terror here." ikarí pauses, holding his gaze before releasing him from her grip. something convinced her he spoke the truth. with hesitance, she raises her hand, dismissing the armed hunters. they hesitated before lowering their weapons.

"come" she said turning toward the village leaving him more confused than before. "come, hurry." her impatient with the boy was mimicked in her tone. he nods slowly as he quickly catches up with her pace. the hunters stare as the two enter the village.

lo'ak could feel their eyes on his back, but all he could focus on was how he was in the village. he took that as a small victory.

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