Chapter five

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A/N: Hi guys I know some of you are getting pissed cause I take too much time to update but hey I'm updating it right now

and Thank you for those who keeps on supporting My story well
actually I was thinking of discontinuing this story but I thought how about those who liked it and this chapter is dedicated to: @sonjarichardson2002

Chapter Five:Voice -_-

Narrator's P.O.V.

The bell rings as sign of lunch but most of Rin's classmate stayed in the room

Rin was walking towards the door waiting for her brother while eyeing the place

'this place is oddly familiar but where did I saw it?'- Rin said in her mind

"let me out... Rin..." a voice inside her head said

what the f--- is that she was thinking


she got dizzy and passed out

But before she passed out ruka caught her in his arms

Some days passed and the word has spread and the last person to know is Len

Len's P.O.V.

"what happened to my sister!?" I barged in the Clinic

After hearing that my sister passed out three days ago

I looked at the blonde hair dude

"Don't look at me, I just found her passed out and brought her here" he said while putting his hands up

I ignored the blonde dude and went next to my sister

"Hey Trouble maker , why don't you wake up?" I said in a very lonely voice "I wish your insomnia would attack you right now... Haven't you been tired of sleeping for days?" I asked her as she lay down the bed

*sigh* I wonder what is she dreaming?

Rin's P.O.V.

Where am I?

Why Is it so hmm... White? And bright??

"Hmmm.... Hmmmmmmm... Hmmmhmmmhm~~" I hear some one humming

But I can't see anyone

"Who the hell is there?" I said trying so hard not to freak out

I heard steps behind me but it was too late because it grabbed me and it has a super cold hand

But before I know it I-i was being swallowed by darkness and was again drifting back to sleep

And when I opened my eyes I was... In a forest??

And why the hell am I running?

I stopped running and looked ahead

Wait who is she???

I can see a girl with Shoulder long black hair and Purple eyes she was looking at my direction

But then something passed by my side and went to her direction

What the hell?!

And then the next thing I knew

She was laying at the ground

The incident happened so fast that... I couldn't even believe it

I runned to the girl and try to get some help but I guess it was too late but she did left me somethings that made my head more messed up

"Wake up.... Find HIM and tell him to Find her and get me out of here.... Cause I need help...

They are coming after me" she said and disappeared

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