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"Honey, I'm home!"
I sighed and smiled apologetically at Emma Lenton, my representative in Hong Kong.  I had started Ivory Is a Color, my conservation group, freshman year of college, and it had grown an incredible amount since. The purpose of the group was to combat the illegal ivory trade, mainly by educating people about the issue.

"In the kitchen!" As Luke, my husband of one year, walks in, Emma stifles a smirk at my annoyance. We'd known each other since high school, and she'd helped me get IIAC off the ground. 

Luke enters the kitchen and stoops to give me a hug. I squeal and scoot my chair away. "You're sweaty!" I exclaim. "And you stink. Go shower."

Luke always came back from football practice smelling like he'd rolled in his gym bag for 2 hours and then ticked off a skunk. I tried to get him to take showers at the locker rooms, but I think he enjoys watching my reactions.

"Come on, babe, you know you've missed me." He grins, opening his arms wide and wafting the stench towards me.

I sighed. "Can we continue this later, Em? I have to shove a living gym bag under the heated water and throw soap at him."

She grins at my description and says, "Certainly can, hon. Wo ai ni! Zai jian!" I smiled, repeated the goodbye, and closed my laptop. I then turned and gave my smirking husband an almost-stern-but-not-quite glare through my giggles. He grins angelically at me and says, "Care to join me in the shower?"

I sigh again and shove him toward the bedroom. "No. I have to cook dinner. Now go de-stinkify yourself!"

He relents and heads for the shower. I shake my head and turn toward the stove, feeling too lazy to make anything other than spaghetti. After I put the water on to boil and start the sauce, I turn on Pandora on my phone. I'm soon dancing and singing along to One Direction's "Story of my Life". Yes, I'm 24 and like 1D. They have good songs. Right as I belt out "with nothing in between", I sense Luke behind me.

"Well that certainly sounds appealing. Is that what's for dessert?" I can hear his smirk.

"You're full of innuendos tonight. Spent too much time talking to Cam?" I grin and turn to face my very good looking husband. A middle linebacker for the Carolina Panthers, Luke is a big man. He's 6'3" to my 5'5", which constantly makes me feel short. He knows this and constantly uses it to his advantage.

"Nah, I've just missed you. Besides, I need to get pumped up for the game tomorrow. It's the Saints, and we have to beat them."

"You say that about every game." I remind him. "And won't sex wear you out?" Seeing the grin on his face as he opens his mouth to respond, I cut him off. "Never mind, don't answer that."

We eat dinner and watch The Empire Strikes Back, me snuggling into Luke and him saying Han's lines when he remembers them. After the movie, we head to bed, Luke tackling me and kissing my neck until I gave him what he wanted. I can't resist him and he knows it. Just before falling asleep, he smiles softly at me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Darlin."

This is my first story, so bear with me. And if you don't know what the ivory trade is, Google it. It's a huge issue. Chinese in the chapter means "I love you. Goodbye!"
Kind of an introductory chapter, but more will happen in the next one. Picture is Niki.

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