The Game

39 3 1

Niki POV

I straighten Luke's tie again before kissing him. He was about to leave for the home game against the New Orleans Saints, our division rivals. The players had to wear suits to the game, which made no sense to me but was apparently a tradition. Luke and I are driving separate, as he had to warm up with the team and review strategies. "I love you, babe. Good luck, and may the force be with you."

He grins and replies, "As with you. I'll see you after we win the game! Love you." He grabs his keys and walks out. I peak out the window as he pulls out and return his small wave.

As I finish getting ready, I try to ignore the strange feeling in my gut. It's probably the chicken I had for lunch. I put on lipstick and glance in the mirror on my way out. Lovely, I think humbly. I drive to the stadium, still feeling a bit weird in my stomach. Hopefully I'm not coming down with something.

I park and make my way to the VIP entrance, taking my usual seat with the other wives/girlfriends. Thomas Davis's wife, Kelly, grins at me happily and gives me a hug. I've arrived just in time for the kickoff, and the game begins. The Panthers are playing amazingly, and we're up 21-13 after the half. Kelly and I are screaming our heads off and having a wonderful time.

As the second half begins, we're on the defensive. Luke takes his position on the field, and prepares for the start. Drew Brees- the Saints' quarterback-receives the ball and prepares to throw. I watch Luke go for a sack, when a huge offensive tackle dives at Luke and hits him on the chest, taking him down. Time seems to slow down. The big player lands on top of Luke, and I see another player's foot catch Luke's head. The other players stand up, but Luke isn't moving.  The refs and coaches rush to his side, and I see Coach Rivera call to the EMTs stationed by the entrance to the locker rooms.  I'm running down to the locker rooms so that I can get into the field. Pushing past security, I run out to the bench, but am stopped by Cam, our quarterback. He looks worried, but holds me back saying "It's ok. Let the paramedics take care of him. He's going to be ok. He's Man of Steel, nothing can take him down."

I don't reply. I can only watch as my husband is lifted onto a stretcher and carried towards me, towards the ambulance that is surely waiting outside. As I walk towards the stretcher, an EMT stops me. "I'm his wife, let me through!" I exclaim, pushing his arm aside. The EMT looks to Coach Rivera, who nods. I rush to the stretcher. Luke is pale, so pale, and his eyes are closed. I can only sob and pray the entire trip to the hospital, where they take him away from me. I sit in the waiting room, staring at nothing.

It feels like hours before a doctor comes out and calls "Kuechly?" I hurry towards him, and he gives me a small smile. "I'm assuming you're Mrs. Kuechly?" At my nod, he begins walking and I follow. He's talking, describing Luke's injuries. My husband has 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a severe concussion. The doctor says he'll make it, but will probably be out for a few weeks. He leads me into a room, and I see Luke lying on a bed. His eyes are open.

The doctor walks over. "Welcome back! Can you tell me your name?"

Luke looks slightly confused, but responds "Luke Kuechly. Doctor, what happened?"

As the doctor speaks with Luke, I wait for him to notice me. When he finally looks at me, I smile with relief. "Hey, Darlin. How are you feeling?"

Luke looks puzzled. "Darlin? Do I know you?"

I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. I look at the doctor, who says calmly, "Some memory loss is not uncommon with a concussion this severe."

"Some memory loss?!" I exclaim. "My husband doesn't know who I am, and you call it 'some memory loss'?!"

"Wait- we're married?" Luke looks shocked. I can't handle the lack of recognition in his eyes, and retreat to the hallway, where I sink down, sobbing.

I don't know how long I've been sitting there,  but I'm brought back to reality by the arrival of some of the Panthers. Thomas looks happy, until he sees the look on my face.

"How is he?" He asks, crouching beside me. I shake my head, holding back more tears. I'm surprised I have this much water left in my body.

"He doesn't remember me. The doctor says he has 'mild amnesia'. I don't know how forgetting your spouse is 'mild', but he doesn't know me."

Thomas turns so that he is leaning against the wall next to me. "How much has he forgotten?"

"Only time will tell. I walked out when he didn't recognize me."

The other players that came, Greg Olsen and Ryan Kalil, haven't said anything. They look shocked, and Greg sits down on my other side and wraps his arms around me. Thomas stands and states that he is going to call Luke's parents and let them know what has happened.

The doctor leaves Luke's room, and looks surprised to see us there. We would probably look hilarious under any other circumstances, with a tiny woman being embraced on both sides by to huge NFL players. I stand up- with difficulty- and ask the doctor how bad Luke's amnesia is. He says that Luke appears to remember nothing past his rookie year with the Panthers. Luke and I didn't meet until his second season. I'm nodding and asking questions, barely hanging on to my composure. Right now, Luke's health is much more important than my grief.

The doctor advises that Luke stay in the hospital for a few more days, just to ensure everything is healing properly. After that, it is Luke's decision whether he wants to go home with me or make other arrangements until he regains his memory.

I latch onto this statement. "So you think it is likely that Luke will regain his memory?"

The doctor smiles slightly. "Your husband's amnesia appears to be temporary. I have dealt with cases like this before, and there is about an 80% chance that his memory will return."

I nod and thank the doctor. As I turn to walk back into Luke's room, I feel a small hope begin to grow within me.

Slightly longer chapter, with a fair amount of drama. Do y'all think Luke will want to go home with Niki, or will he live with someone else? Comment, vote, share?

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