Finally Douma's PoV

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As Nakime teleported me away, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I did exactly as Miss Li told me to. I refused to fake my emotions, and didn't let the others walk all over me.

As you probably guessed, Miss Kura Li was my therapist of almost twenty years now. She was the one I ended up going to when I first thought of the idea, and she's pretty damn good. So I continued staying with her, and she was happy to continue helping me.

Unfortunately, she did decide to stay human, which meant I couldn't mooch off of her help forever, but alas. I couldn't possibly go against her wishes. Not when I owed her so much. It would destroy any relationship (not romantic) that I had with her.

Despite being in her forties, Kura-Chan is my bestest friend. Ever. And no, this isn't like with Akaza, where it was all fake. Kura-chan was the first human I'd cared for. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to find my soul mate Kotoha!

And now I have a child too! His name is Inosuke, and he takes after his mother. He'll be a heartbreaker, that one.

As I was lost in thought, I almost missed my stop: Kura-chans office. As a thank you, I was going to walk her home tonight. There are some pretty dangerous demons out there y'know.

I opened the door to her office, and sat on one of the chairs to wait. Kura was good to come out on time, and I was early. Not to mention, if she was with a client and I interrupted... she'd be pretty pissed off at me.

So I sat in the chair for about half an hour before Kura came out. Another woman indeed followed her out, tears still falling from her eyes.  Being respectful, I looked away to provide her some privacy.  No one likes being stared at. 

As the woman hurried out another door, Kura turned to face me, grabbing her coat as she did so.  I stood up, and we made our we out.  We didn't worry about locking the doors: there were therapists who worked the night shifts too, that's how dedicated Kura and the others were.  

As we walked to Kura's home, I kept glanncing around to make sure she wasn't in any danger.  Lord knows that I have many enemies, and there's always the chance that a demon wont know me, and attempt to kill her anyway.  I would hate that.

"We're here!"  Indeed we were.  My job was done.  As was our custom, I gave Kura a hug before I left.  And then I went home.

PoV Switch: Kura

A few minutes after Douma left, I heard a knock at the door.  Confused, I went to open it, expecting to see Douma himself.  

Nope.  Instead of Douma, I opened to door to see two...interesting people.  And I say this as the person who hangs out with an Uppermoon demon.  

One of the people at my door was a woman, the other a man.  The woman was incredibly short, and had black hair with purple tips, with a butterfly hai pin keeping her hair up.  Her haori was also in a butterfly shape design, and I might've contined fawning over it had I not noticed that she had a sword at her waist, which she was keeping a firm grip on.  A glance to the white-haired man beside her- who for some reason had no eyebrows and had a huge gash in his clothing- had me realized he also had a sword that he was holding onto very tightly.  There was no doubt about it.

These two were demon slayers.  And if they were knocking on my door, despite the fact that I was just a human... 

They had to have seen me with Douma.  And probably wanted to used me for information.  The jokes on them though.  I'd rather die than lead them to Douma.

As if reading the determination in me, they moved closer, pushing me aside as they entered my home.  The shorter female nodded her head in my direction, before leaving me with the other one.  I scanned him from head to toe, hoping I could find a way to escape him.  The hard muscle fom years of training proved that feat impossible.  No way would I be able to outrun him, nor would combat work.  I was untrained, and he had a weapon.

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