☆Oneshot 5: Unexpected situation Pt.1☆

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Jungkook sighed as he sat in the expensive looking lobby tinted with golden lights and crystal chandeliers. Being an actor was a curse and a blessing at the same time. The premiere for his upcoming movie was just over and he couldn't wait to relax and lie down on the soft,fluffy mattresses this hotel provided. Initially they weren't planning on staying in London but the films crew suddenly ordered that they would be shooting a few scenes near the lush greens due to which Jungkook and his costar would stay here for over a week.
His movie had been in constant spotlight for his costar was none other than Kim Taehyung- an influential and extremely talented actor known for his visuals worldwide. Seriously, Jungkook still remembers the way he was so spell bound when he met Taehyung for the first time. The man was a pure work of God with a sculpted face and a flawless body, Jungkook felt greatly intimidated by him. But as time went by, he got to know Taehyung was nothing close to what he looked like. He was flirtous,funny,weird, had a different perspective of life and loved Gucci. He was a giant goofball filled with surprises.
As they began shooting together their friendship also developed and very soon the boys found themselves inseparable from each other.
"Jeon wake up buddy." Jungkook felt someone kick his ankle. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times getting adjusted to the lighting. There sat Taehyung next to him with a smirking face. "Seriously dude how could you fall asleep in the lobby." Jungkook groaned. "I'm tired okay." Taehyung pinched his cheeks. "Awwie my tired and sleepy teddybear." They both laughed at his idiotic joke. Soon enough their managers came rushing towards them. Taekook stared at them in confusion. "Sir..." Taehyung's manager stammered and looked at Jungkook's manager. "Speak up you two." Jungkook commanded. "There is only one room available." Taehyung chuckled. "Oh Gosh Mr. Park that's okay. It's not your fault that the bookings were full. And I'm sure me and Jungkook can share the room." Taehyung glanced at Jungkook as he said this. Jungkook laughed and nodded too. "Don't stress about it too much Mr. Min it's okay." Jungkook whispered to his manager and they left to get the keys. The managers sighed in relief.
As soon as the two actors entered their room, Jungkook plopped himself down on the bed,loving how soft the mattress felt. Taehyung shook his head at his childishness but a smile danced on his lips nonetheless. "I'll go take a shower." Jungkook nodded and continued cuddling with the pillows.
After a few minutes, Taehyung came out of the bathroom, drying his wet hair with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his torso. Jungkook suddenly stopped with what he was doing and his eyes were fixated on his costar.
"Why don't you take a picture?It would last longer" Taehyung smirked, feeling proud. "S-Shut up." Jungkook said and looked in a different direction.
Taehyung lay beside Jungkook, fast asleep with small snores leaving his mouth. But, Jungkook couldn't sleep one bit. His cock was hard from seeing a shirtless Taehyung. He was being fidgety and the urge to touch himself grew stronger. 'Fuck it.' Jungkook thought and rushed into the bathroom. After calming his cock down when he came out ,he was pinned to the wall. Taehyung stared at him with predatory eyes. "You think I won't know what you were up to baby boy?" Taehyung husked in his ear. Instead of a line of words, strings of moans escaped Jungkook's mouth as Taehyung pumped his cock within his shorts. "Ahhh Tae~ don't do it." Taehyung tsked. "Are you sure darling? Because your body is suggesting something else." Taehyung's hand moved up and down Jungkook's shaft skillfully creating sparkles all over his body. "Oh God ahh feels so good Taehyung" Jungkook's eyes were closed and wrinkles littered his forehead due to the pleasure he was receiving. Taehyung got down on his knees and skillfully pulled down Jungkook's shorts.
In a blink of an eye, he was already licking the tip of the muscular organ sending Jungkook into a euphoric state. Taehyung swirled his tongue all over Jungkook's cock and then, he took it whole in his mouth. He bobbed his head in a forward and backward motion, occasionally biting it with his teeth or licking it with his saliva. "Fuck, Tae you take me so well." Jungkook's hand tugged Taehyung's hair and each time he would bite his cock, Jungkook would hiss loudly and pull Taehyung's strands harshly. But Taehyung loved it nevertheless. Soon, enough Jungkook felt the urge to ejaculate. Before he could ask Taehyung to leave his cock, Taehyung held it tightly and swallowed his semen without any hesitation, licking his face in places where the cum had fallen off. Jungkook's heart beat faster at it. Taehyung got up and kissed Jungkook. They were already salivating for eachother, liking it rough and the effect it had on their bodies. Their kiss was like fire stuck in a storm, desparate to survive.
Suddenly Jungkook detached himself from Taehyung. "I want to do it in the shower." Taehyung smiled with evil eyes and spanked Jungkook's ass as they entered the bathroom.
Droplets of water slid down Taehyung's body as he pressed his back more into the wall. His cheek was squished and his eyes closed. Slight pants left his mouth as Jungkook fingered him in and out making him hiss sometimes. Jungkook's slender fingers roamed around places where Taehyung never thought he would feel so much pleasure. "Ohh Ahh Jungkook Fuckkk you for making me feel like this." Jungkook smirked and licked lazily from Taehyung's jugular to his earlobe. Jungkook continued with scissoring Taehyung, each time accurately hitting his prostate. He lightly spanked his ass. "Ahh Jungkook fuck." The profanities which left Taehyung's mouth shocked himself, as he never comprehended that a make out session with his costar in real life would feel this awesome. The raven haired kneaded Taehyung's ass whilst fingering him loving how curvy it was.
And then suddenly he spanked it. "D-Do it again please." Jungkook, feeling proud repeated his action. "Oh my ahh." Taehyung couldn't control the sounds which left his Adam's apple and Jungkook couldn't ask for more. Suddenly Jungkook turned Taehyung towards him and kissed him, sucking his bottom lip drawing blood from it.
Taehyung kissed back with the same passion, pinching Jungkook's nipples, making him see stars.
Taehyung had already cummed onto Jungkook's fingers but the raven haired had still kept them inside his hole. Taehyung broke their kiss and licked his nipples. "Ahh Tae." He pinned him against the wall,and continued assaulting his chest . He sucked Jungkook's nipples loving the minty scent radiating off his body. Jungkook's head rested on the hard surface behind him, breathing heavily as water drizzled down his body and as Taehyung licked his abs while roaming his hand around his legs, as lightly as a feather, making goosebumps rise on his skin. It was as if the world had turned silent, making Jungkook hear the pitter patter of water along with his own heart thumping wildly, igniting sparkles all over his body due to his costars' sensual touches. Taehyung kissed him, pulling his strands harshly as he vaguely remembered once when drunk Jungkook had accidentally revealed that he loved getting his hair pulled while kissing someone. Jungkook almost moaned at the kinky act and before he got get out of the trance, Taehyung was already inserting his dick inside Jungkook,the need to finger him left behind as he was already enough stretched. He began thrusting into him making him drown in ecstasy. "Ahh Tae mmm more gimme more." Taehyung obeyed and thrusting at a faster pace while sucking on to Jungkook's neck liking how he clenched around him. Jungkook could feel Taehyung's cock till his lower belly, stretching him and hitting the bundle of nerves where he was the most sensitive at,making it enjoyable. "Fuck Tae" Jungkook moaned loudly as both of them ejaculated at the same time.
After cleaning themselves up, they lay down on the bed still living in the bliss of sex. "Ready for round 2?" Jungkook questioned. Taehyung looked at him, flabbergasted."Isn't your bottom half hurting?" Jungkook smirked. "Who said I would be the one having a cock in my ass?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
Jungkook hovered over him and pinned his hands above him. "Tae baby, get ready to get yourself ruined." With these words, he leaned down and sucked his neck, creating big patches of hickeys all over his skin. "Ahh Gosh Kookie." He also knew Taehyung was a hand fetish. That's why while sucking his nipples,Jungkook made Taehyung suck on his index finger to make him gag. Taehyung enjoyed it a lot. Jungkook alined his cock infront of Taehyung's entrance and pushed it in gently. Since he had already prepped Taehyung,he directly thrusted at a fast pace. Taehyung extended his hand in the air and slowly wrapped it around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook groaned as he choked him hard whilst he thrusted into him. Very soon his thrusts became sloppy and both of them ejaculated for the nth time. This is how the stay in London's hotel led to many sexual fantasies and secret relationships behind closed curtains to blossom.

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