4. Truth or Dare

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Rishabh hugged MS and bid bye as he left him at the school gate. He put nervous steps inside the school gate. It was all new for him, he was stepping in an Indian school, he was excited but couldn't help feeling nervous. Virat and Mahi bhai had told him almost everything about how it goes in indian schools but still he felt a little anxiety building under him.

He reached the classroom, put his bag on one bench and went out to explore the campus. He was roaming alone when a bunch of guys approached him.

"Hey dude, new admission ?" One of the guys asked.

"Hmm" Rishabh replied, straightening his stance.

"Name? "

"Rishabh, Rishabh Roy"

"Shubman Gill " Shubman forwarded his hand for a handshake.

"Ishan" Ishan shook hands with Riahabh after shubman.

"Ruturaj Gaikwad" It was rutu's turn now.

"That's quite a long name" Rishabh couldn't help uttering.

"Call me Rutu"

"Guys, guys, guys, enough now, come to the point please" Shubman shouted.

"Yeah, Rishabh we are playing a game, you'll join? " Ishan asked.

"What game? "

"Nothing, just some truth and dare stuff. We'll know each other better if you join " Rutu told.

"Okay.. let's go" Rishabh said after thinking for a second.

They assembled in the playground with a ball and a stopwatch. The player in whose hands the ball stops when the timer rings, will be asked to choose between truth and dare.

First round started, they started throwing balls to each other. The timer ringed, the ball was in Shubman's hands.

"Okay, shubi, truth or dare? " Ishan asked.


"Rishabh, ask any question"

Rishabh didn't know what kind of questions they asked, so he started with a simple one,

"If you could be besties with one celebrity, who would it be and why? "

Shubman sighed in relief while all the other guys had their forehead in their hands, the boy had missed such an opportunity, who asked such simple questions in a truth and dare game?

"Kya yaar Rishabh, bachcho wale question puchh raha hai " Ishan whined.

"Okay, I'll change the question" Rishabh said and everyone agreed, except Shubman, who complained on the top of his voice "No, you cannot take the question back, that's against the rules"

And Shubman had a point, so they all had to agree, the question couldn't be changed.

"So the one celebrity I would like to be besties with? Virat deshmukh for sure " Shubman told them.

"Why? I don't know, he is cool, he looks like the boy next door, someone who can actually be friends with, plus we share common interests, cricket"

Rishabh's lips curled into a wide smile, he didn't regret asking the question now, the feeling that he was already besties with Virat overwhelmed him.

"Guys do you know Virat studied in the same school? " Rishabh told them excitedly.

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