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There will be NO SMUT in this chapter. Do not get ur hopes up and attack me 😔😔 this chapter is more like angst idk just wait and see cause idek 😭😭

Joãos POV:
After winning the game i checked my phone seeing that y/n texted me. I immediately went to text her back with the biggest smile on my face.

Dream girl y/n 🫶🏼

Congratulations!! Also thanks for The heart 🤭, that was really nice of you!!
i told you, you would do good!

   My phone buzzed and i took out my phone and smiled while reading her message,
While i was playing i only really thought of her, and wanting to impress her. I guess i did.

              Thank you y/n!! Im so happy we won!
                 And of course, i keep my promises!
                  Thanks for encouraging me :)!

Of course, just being a good friend!
Thats what friends are for! Also really
Happy that you guys won!

I felt a slight pain in my heart. She thinks of me as only a friend, i frowned and texted her back not wanting to talk anymore.

                                     Yeah, you're a good friend.
          Im gonna go, we're going out to
celebrate and i have to go get ready.

Ah okay, have fun!


I read her message and decided not to answer so i just put it away feeling a bit upset.

I shook my head trying to get rid of the thought of her out of my head, and instead paying attention on celebrating that we just won the first game of the world cup.

*its now late, like night time.*

I felt my phone buzz again, i assumed it was someone from the team asking if i made it back safely since i went back to my hotel room pretty early.

Instead of a message from. Someone on the team it was y/n.

Dream girl y/n 🫶🏼 sent a message!

I sighed and swiped to delete the message from my notifications. I just wanted to get her off my mind at the moment so i could relax and go to sleep, but it was hard.

I thought about her all the time, she's beautiful. Shes one of the kindest people i know, shes funny, shes amazing.

One of the best people i know, and unfortunately i caught feeling feeling for her, but how could i not?

He turned to his side closing his eyes eventually falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning getting up and getting ready deciding to go somewhere for breakfast and do some stuff since the next game would be on the 28th.

After i showered and brushed my teeth, i got ready and made my way out of the hotel walking to my car, and driving off to look for somewhere to go out and eat.

I found a Restaurant that looked good and i walked in and asked for a table, i sat down once a waiter showed me the way to table and took my order.

After a while i finished eating i sat there for a bit and then paid and left. I walked out the restaurant and walked down seeing someone in the distance, they looked pretty familiar but i couldnt really tell until i walked a bit closer.

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