Chapter 2

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The year is 1665 and the city of London is in the midst of a deadly plague. As a plague doctor, I am tasked with visiting the homes of those infected and providing medical care.

I arrive at my first home, a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Inside, I find a family of four huddled together in fear. I quickly assess their symptoms and determine that they are indeed infected with the plague.

I provide them with medicine and instructions on how to care for themselves while they are ill. I also give them advice on how to prevent further spread of the disease by avoiding contact with others and keeping their home clean.

As I leave, I am filled with sadness for this family and all those affected by this terrible disease. But I also feel a sense of purpose knowing that my work as a plague doctor is helping to save lives.

I continue my rounds throughout the city, visiting homes and providing medical care.

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