Chapter 3

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Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Igor is a plauge doctor working on the frontlines of a deadly virus that has ravaged society. He travels from village to village, risking his life to help contain the virus and save as many lives as possible.

One day, he arrives at a small village where the illness has not yet spread but is certainly coming. He meets with Doctor Mariana, an elderly woman who is well respected in her community. After long debates over what should be done, Igor and Mariana become allies in trying to save the village from being infected.

Together, they devise a plan. They build a wall around the small village and make it their mission to help vaccinate everyone living inside it as fast as possible. The only problem is that there are no vaccine supplies in the area and it is uncertain where they can get more fast enough before the virus spreads into their safe haven.

Desperate for answers, Igor searches for

Dr Mary, a plauge doctor in 15th century Scotland, finds herself at the brink of death as she enters an eerie and unknown village. As she nears the village gates she is met with disease-ridden citizens who are dying from an unknown plague.

Despite her own fear and trepidation, Dr Mary soldiers on to confront the village’s woes. Upon further inspection of the sickly inhabitants she finds out that the plague is a never before seen virus – for which there is no known cure.

Dr Mary takes a risk and consults with the village elder who has a plan to save his people from their doomed fate: releasing their deceased into a nearby lake in an ancient healing ritual. This would effectively send the virus away to be carried by winds far and wide away from their land.

With no other choice, Dr Mary agrees to oversee this daunting task in hopes of saving the lives of those infected by this new plague. Following several

Dr. Sarah was a successful doctor, with a flourishing practice, when her world was suddenly turned upside down with the arrival of the mysterious Plague. Taking it upon herself to try and save her society, Sarah became a Plague Doctor who had to daily face the terror of the disease while helping people in need.

Sarah began by learning as much as she could about contagious diseases and how to best help those who contracted it. Despite countless sleepless nights researching possible cures, Sarah was unable to find a treatment for the plague. The only thing she could do was try to contain it and face the dangers head-on.

While making her rounds, Sarah made sure to use caution so as not to become infected herself; nevertheless, she soon found that she had no immunity from the illness. After a few days of stubbornly pushing onward, Sarah eventually fell ill herself but refused to give up her mission of helping others deal with their own suffering.

Though many urged her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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