You won't be healed automatically...

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Louis P.O.V

"Louis, i'm bored," I heard Daisy whine from beside me. "Shhh, we'll be there soon," I chose to ignore her whining in hope that she would soon give up and try to fall asleep.

As I sighed in relief our taxi pulled into Heathrow and I climbed out grabbing the suitcases. Luckily there were no fans as it was now late. I don't think Daisy or I alike could of dealt with them at midnight. Our suitcases were handed off to be put on our plane as I grabbed Daisy's hand checking to see that Lottie was behind us.

I pulled both of them into terminal 5 and lead them to a checkout desk. "Good evening," the lady smiled at me. "Evening," I replied grinning back at her. The lady went on to check us in however I felt a tug on my leg and looked down to see Daisy with one raised arm, the other arm rubbing her eye. "Oh baby," I cooed. I lifted her onto my hip and stroked her hair as I swayed back and forth. "She ok?" I heard Lottie ask behind me. "Yeah, just tired I think," I replied as we walked towards our plane.

We finally arrived at the back row out of the way of everyone and I placed Daisy into the window seat noticing she had fallen asleep. "Shhh darling," I whispered as her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment. I continued to buckle her up and took the middle seat as Lottie took the seat next to me.

2 hours into the flight...

Lottie had fallen asleep and I smiled content that two of my little sisters were with me. Just as I was getting ready to sleep, Daisy started to toss and turn next to me quietly muttering to herself. "No, no, no," I heard her repeat. "Dais," I cooed stroking the side of her head. Thankfully the seat belt signs had gone off and so I pulled her into my lap bouncing my knees up and down. "Daisy baby, wake up," I cooed lifting her so she was standing on my knees and rubbing her back. Her eyes thankfully fluttered opened and I sighed in relief. I lifted her down into my lap and cuddled her into my side. "You ok?" I asked as she started to cry.

"Oh poppet, shhh, it's ok, did you have a bad dream?" I asked and I felt her nod against me as I rubbed her shoulder slightly. "S'ok what was it about?" I wondered. "They wouldn't leave me alone," I heard her whisper. "Who darling?" I pushed. "Everyone," she cried and I sshed her. "It's ok baby, you're safe now, I promise, I love you and Lottie loves you and Mummy and Daddy love you, everyone does," I concluded, "I promise your safe, you're never going back," I whispered.

"Now do you think we could get some sleep?" I asked and she nodded smiling up at me. "Goodnight love bug, I love you to the moon and back," I whispered lovingly in her ear making her giggle and flinch away. "And all the stars between," I heard her barely mutter before falling into a deep slumber. "You won't be healed automatically, it will take time," I muttered into her hair.

I knew she didn't hear me however it was more to myself than anyone else. I knew that she needed to heal but not all at one. She needed time.

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