Calm is restored...

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Louis P.O.V

Lottie and I sat down in Starbucks and had a lovely time to just talking calmly about what had been happening. We agreed that for the minute, she would come off of twitter where the incident had happened. Although I didn't want to punish her directly, things needed to blow over.

@lottietommo: Coming off twitter for a bit, bye. I read the tweet and smiled at Lottie appreciatively.

"We better get back then before your sister wakes up," I told her and she nodded too absorbed in her phone. "C'mon then," I said grabbing my keys and wallet before signing a few things for passing fans. "Stay strong Tommo family," I heard one yell at us and I turned around smiling back at her. I had no idea people knew what was happening right now however I was appreciative of the fact that we had our fans support.

After another 15 minute walk we made it back to the venue and Lottie went over to Lou for a bit while I turned to my even younger and more fragile sister who was still fast asleep on the same sofa as I had left her. Sighing, I knew that if I didn't wake her now then she wouldn't sleep tonight. In contrast I knew that if I did wake her then she would be moody, especially as I may have forgotten to get her anything from Starbucks. I decided on the second option of waking her up and decided that I would just buy her whatever she wanted from the vending machine instead.

Cautiously I stepped forward to and rubbed her tummy slightly. "Baby boo, you need to wake up sweetie," I cooed lifting her into a sitting up position. "Mmmmm," she mumbled against me. "Come on," I coaxed shaking her slightly. "No," she whined obviously not liking the fact that I had woken her.

"Louis, hair." Lou called to me and I held up a finger signalling I would be there in a minute. "Come on, time to wake up if you're not grumpy and sassy, you can get some sweets from the vending machine," I bribed and she opened her eyes slowly. "Come on up you get poppet," I said lifting her to her feet. She still had her blanket wrapped around her and she looked like a mess to put it lightly but she had to wake up if she was going to sleep later that night.

I sat down for Lou to make a start on my hair and felt a tap on my leg. I glanced down to see Daisy sat there, still looking like she was about to fall asleep. "Haha, come on darling," I cooed laughing as I lifted her into my lap and cuddling her close, sideways into me. "I'll be done soon," I muttered into her hair before kissing her head.

Just as promised my hair was done within 10 minutes and I lifted Daisy onto my hip, her blanket clenched tightly in her right hand. I walked over to the vending machine and put her down in front of it grabbing my wallet. "Which do you want?" I asked, "No chocolate though." I warned looking at her white bunny rabbit onesie she was wearing that she would be devastated to lose if I couldn't get the stain out . "Why are yorkies only for boys?" (A/N I asked this when I was younger. I was outraged at the fact that there wasn't a girl version!) she wondered aloud. "I don't know baby, it's not fair is it?" I wondered, as she looked at me confused. "Sexist," she mumbled to herself more than me as I laughed wondering where she had heard what that meant but still quite impressed. "Can I have one?" she asked, looking up at me as my eyebrows raised. "Look I have £1.20 you can use but what did I say?" I asked to see if she had listened. She shrugged. "Daisy..." I warned. "No chocolate," she whined defeated. "M-hm," I muttered going to grab my phone but when I came back I found her stood there with the same chocolate we were just arguing about.

My eyes widened and my eyebrows raised in shock at her disobedience. "Daisy Freya Tomlinson!" I stated sternly. She froze as I grabbed her chin bringing it up to face me. "What did I say?" I asked. "No chocolate," she cried knowing she had disobeyed me. "You know what you did wrong, now you do not get anything until dinner, go and stand in the naughty corner," I said firmly leading her towards the corner.

As she stood there for her 7 minutes, many people walked passed and just smiled at me in sympathy. She was having a full on tantrum as I sat in my chair on my phone trying to ignore her. Beep!

The timer went of on my phone and I knelt behind Daisy who had her back turned to me facing into the wall. "Daisy, what did you do wrong?" I asked wanting her to realise her mistake. "I chose chocolate when you told me not to," she cried, her nose running as she cried hysterically. "M-hm," I nodded, "you did and are you going to do it again?" I asked and she shook her head. "Use your words," I reinforced as she let out a loud cry. "No," she replied bringing her hand up to rub her eye. I caught her hand and lifted her onto my hip. "What do you say?" I implemented. "Sorry," she cried and I nodded swaying back and forth. "I love you, it's ok," I promised.

And I meant that one line for the whole of her life at that precise moment. I loved her and it was all going to be ok.

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