Broken (A Niall Horan Long Imagine.)

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She held his hand, laughing. I watched as my heart was broken, a teary eyed look on my face. She said she was happy with him, but he would never love her like I would. I watched. He wasn't kind to her, she just wanted someone to love her. I wish I was beside her. I was trying to find the words to say to her. My face was blank. (Niall's face; ...)

We stood in the kitchen of my house, baking cookies for Liam's birthday party. "Two eggs!" I yelled. She looked at me, her smile glistening, my heart beating a million miles per second. "Okay. Chef Horan." She winked, making me blush. She passed me the eggs and rolled her sleeves up past her elbows. I looked at her wrists. Cuts and red scars were plastered all over them. Tears came to my eyes as I looked at them, unable to contain myself. "[Y/N]." She lifted her head from the cookbook and smiled at me. "What?" I pointed at her scars as she turned around, scratching her head. "I-I can explain!" I looked at her, tears falling down my face and onto the kitchen counter. "He.." She spoke. I felt like punching something, before I knew it my hand went through the wall, anger filling my body. "Niall!" She cried, falling to the floor in fear. "What did he do to you? Where the hell is he?"

She curled up on the floor, the cookie mix sitting on the table. "He-he..." She couldn't speak, she started to shake on the floor in terror. I sat next to her, holding her closely to my chest. "Please tell me. [Y/N]." I could feel her heart beating fast, my finger tips feeling her scars, tears falling on them. Safety filled her eyes as she looked into mine, they fluttered. I held her, never wanting to let her go, wanting her to be mine. Her tears fell onto my chest. I stroke her hair, the two of us sitting on the kitchen floor, holding each other in our arms.

"I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" She shrugged. "I didn't know what to do.. He told me if I told anyone..." I felt her shaking. I started to stroke her hair again, my tears falling into her hair. I lightly kissed her wrists, looking into her eyes. "He doesn't deserve you. Please don't ever do that. You are perfect, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Tears came to the corner of my eyes, rolling down past my cheeks and falling into her hair. I took her in my arms, my angel, and began to sing her Little Things. We lay under the covers, our legs entwined.

There was a loud slam and a knock at the door. I heard a car alarm and ran over to the door, leaving [Y/N] on the couch. I looked through the peep hole to see Jake, an angry expression on his face. I opened the door to a crack, the cold night air flying through the house. "Where is she?" He yelled. I looked back at him. "What do you want?" He pushed me on the floor, barging into the house.

"I said where the **** is she!" I pushed myself off the floor, trying to hold him back. I held my fist out, ready to punch him in the face. I tried hitting him, his head going back, I missed. He hit me back in the nose, trying to find her. Blood gushed out of my nose and down my face as I tried to protect her. She came out screaming. He yelled at her, telling her to shut up. I whacked him as hard as I could, my knuckles making a cracking sound as I hit him hard. "Go upstairs!" I yelled to her.

She listened to my command and ran up the stairs, slamming a door behind her. He looked at me pissed, trying to get past. He took out a knife from his pocket, ready to stab me. I quickly kicked him in his lower area, making him fall out the door and onto the cold pavement. The knife flying into the air and stabbing him. I looked in horror, scared to death. I slammed the door quickly, running up the stairs to [Y/N]. I heard whimpers from her, I knocked on the bathroom door. "Open up! It's me!" I banged on the door, I heard it slowly begin to unlock..

She opened the door. I took her hand in mine, it made like it was just for me, for me to hold her closely and love her. I checked the peep hole of the house, noticing Jake wasn't laying on the floor anymore. Two windows were open. "Crap." I said shutting the windows so Jake wouldn't break into the house. "Do you still want to go to Liam's?" I asked her, blood falling from the nose. "If you want..." She spoke softly.

We quietly snuck through the back door, scared Jake would come back. I took her hand in mine again, walking through the bushes and trees and we made it to the street. I heard a voice and saw blood on the ground. [Y/N] and I looked at each other. "You can't run from me!" Jake screamed from behind us. "Run!" [Y/N] yelled. I tripped and fell onto the cold sidewalk, seeing stars. "Niall!" I heard before I blacked out.

My vision went blurry as I heard her scream my name out. She shook my shoulders, trying to wake me. Was this the end? I couldn't pass out, not now. I woke up minutes later hearing screaming and a hush. "Shut up." He said pinning her to the ground. "Kiss me." He lay on top of her, forcing her to kiss him. She cried as he touched her. "Let me go!" He kissed her roughly on the lips, making her stuck. "You're mine." Jake said kissing her again, feeling up her legs. "Now! Kiss me!" Tears came to her eyes. "If you don't kiss me I'm gonna-" he went into his pocket, grabbing inside. "You're gonna what?" I yelled at him, making him turn around and face me. I held my fist up, punching him, making him fall to the ground.

We limped to Liam's house. She shook in the cold, dark, night, my arms around her shoulder. The stars were shinning above us as we walked to his apartment. I knocked on the door, Liam opening up. "Hey! Woah-. What happened?" I looked at him. "Uhm.." He let us in, having us sit on the couch. "[Y/N]. How about you clean up? I'll get us some Ice." I sat with the boys on the couch, telling them the whole story.

Tears came down their faces as she back into the room. "I'm sorry about the cookies..." She laughed. The boys gathered around her, giving her a big group hug. "We don't care about the cookies. We care about you. You're more important to us! We love you." Tears came down her face as they all hugged her.

The night had an early ending, I held her in my arms, never wanting to let her go. The way she breathed on her sleep made chills tingle down my spine. I wish I had known, I wish she had told me. I knew he wasn't nice to her, their fights, the times they would argue over nothing. I had seen him hit her once before and asked her about it.

She had told me I was seeing things, my vision was bad. She never talked about it. She cried to me all the time, never letting me know why. She would hold me tight and tell me she missed the times we always had together, laughing and smiling. I had loved her since the day I met her, but Jake took her away from me.

Right now I looked at her in her sleep, her roses red cheeks, her smile. She was an angel, my angel. I kissed her softly on the lips, a smile growing on her face in her sleep. "I love you." I whispered to her. I did love her, she was my princess, the princess I had always wanted was right in front of me. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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