Chapter 2: Fail to Prepare, you Prepare to Fail

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Steel capped, spring-loaded boots. Izuku started at them for a while, darting his eyes between them and his bag. Remembering the fight on Nabu, and the kidnapping of Bakugo it was hard for him to believe they could have a true break with no complications. A familiar feeling of uncertainty was lingering inside him. That always brings a repetitive monologue in his head asking one thing: "what would All-Might do?". Shame hung over his head as he remembered clearly that this isn't a debate All-Might would ever have, he never has to use support items.

"He's always just amazing on his own..." Izuku murmured to himself

"Who's amazing?" a familiar upbeat, female voice instead sounded heavy with concern. Surely enough Ochaco was standing in the open doorway of Izuku's room. One blink and Izuku's face turned red almost instantaneously, rushing to cover his Shoot-Style boots behind him and laugh it off. 

"Uraraka! How did you get in here?!" he yelped, voice high with embarassment

Her face begins to blush too, yet not as much as his. She averts her gaze and rubs the back of her head, "well you left the door open and seemed upset about something so..." she trails off, turning her attention again to Izuku in the middle of the room. "What's up with you anyways?"

Izuku sighs, looking down and bringing his boots to her attention. She only has an understanding "oh" in response. His fists begin to clench around his boots, feeling familiar tears well up. "When the League took Kacchan, when Shigiraki grabbed me, it was because I was unprepared, I couldn't save anyone..." Izuku sniffled, out of anger and self-loathing, not sadness, "I know I shouldn't bring them, it'll mean I can't actually relax and All-Might always tells me the importance of rest..." Ochaco smiles at him empathetically, placing her hand on his.

"Deku... you don't need to worry about that, it's a vacation but we're still heroes, I'm sure you're not the only one who'll want to get some training in," she giggles and pulls her hair up mockingly, "and besides, you really think he will let us have a vacation without it?" Izuku nodded with a small chuckle, wiping the tears from his face. The boots shimmered in the reflection of the rising sun outside. He still had a nagging feeling in his stomach.

"I say you take em," a gravely voice comes from behind the two of them. Bakugo was leaned against the doorframe and staring out onto Izuku's balcony and to the main school building. Izuku and Ochaco were taken aback, not only by Bakugo's sudden appearance but by his calm demeanour. Izuku looks cautiously at the girl in his room, they both look worried at how uncharacteristic he's being. He'd have half a mind to believe it was the shapeshifting girl Tsu and Ochaco were talking about, or one of Shinso's mind tricks. Then the memory of the battle against Nine. The struggle, the implied sacrifice. Bakugo was going to inherit One For All. To have all that power and lose it, Izuku couldn't imagine what his childhood friend must think of him now. It's a battle only the two of them, the kids and All-Might are aware of. Could it be behind this sudden positive treatment?

"Kacch-" just as the green-haired boy was going to ask the meaning behind his advice, Bakugo dismissed his attempt at questioning and walking off, quite audibly confronting Sero down the hall. 

Ochaco takes a quick breath in and speaks for the both of them, "well that was... weird." She shoots Izuku a reassuring smile, climbing up to her feet and starting to head out. Izuku sees her turn around one more time with a beaming smile, "it'll be fine Deku, just relax, okay?" After Deku takes one last glance at his boots and again to Ochaco he assuredly nods. She smiles and walks into the corridor. Izuku places his boots in their case and puts said case in the bottom of his suitcase. He quickly stole a glance at the alarm clock on his beside table that read "5:41 AM", he sighed in relief. The whole class begins their journey to the airport at 7, most have woken up to pack early, some already packed the night before, and some would surely be doing last minute packing. Izuku is in that middle contingent, needing more rest from the fights prior. However he already knew the clothes he wanted to bring, also his mother sent some over so packing was beyond easy. In 10 short minutes of overthinking and spatial management he was done. Zipping up the All-Might themed suitcase, he carried it down the stairs to the common room. There he found about everyone he expected: Iida, Momo, Todoroki, and last but not least, Tokoyami. He greeted them all a good morning and served himself some cereal for breakfast and sat with the rest. 

"Midoriya, you seem well-rested, that is good!" Iida enthuastically observed, using his one free hand to make those famous, rigid hand gestures while the other tended to his bacon and eggs on his plate. Izuku nodded with a pure smile at Iida's excitement. Even though he's always uplifting when it comes to school, everyone in the class could tell that Iida was excited, and even if he wasn't, a break would do him some good. Todoroki on the other hand, had an unbreakable demeanour, not even Izuku could decipher it. Perhaps it was excitement, perhaps indifference, either way there wasn't much refusal on his face. As he ate, more and more people started to trickle down the stairs to join for the meal. Sato, Jiro, Kirishima, Aoyama, Tsu, Toru and then Bakugo shortly after her, throwing his bag into the pile with reckless abandon, much to the upset of his classmates. Then it happened, they met eyes again, only for a brief moment. His eyes didn't burn with rage. Without a doubt the rage was harboured in there somewhere, but that's par the course with Bakugo. Izuku felt the look, but couldn't feel the meaning behind it. Before any attempts could be made, Sato summons Bakugo into the kitchen to help with breakfast. He then yells about how the people who come down late don't deserve breakfast and should just starve. Izuku smiles to himself and shakes his head, finishing the last of the milk in his bowl.

"DEKU!" a little horned girl came running in from the main door, Mirio in tow and Mr Aizawa following shortly after. Izuku's smile only grew as Eri runs into his arms for a hug. Deku laughs and rubs her head gently before releasing her. "Deku! I am so so excited, Mr Aizawa was talking about this thing where you get in and it flies you wherever you want to go! Isn't that awesome?!" Eri's childish exuberance was never wasted on the members of Class 1-A, especially Izuku, who narrowly avoids crying at her pure joy. 

"It's called a plane Eri," Mr. Aizawa shortly interjects, with a smirk, placing down 3 bags, presumably the trio's luggage, "Sato and Bakugo are making breakfast, go see if you can grab some." With a nod, Eri calls out for "Boom Boom boy" as she approaches the kitchen, which never fails to make Izuku snicker. Izuku sees Momo raise her hand from the couch, hesitant yet eager to ask a question. Aizawa raises an eyebrow to her and sighs. "Momo, how many times must I tell you, this isn't class, you don't need to raise your hand." Momo's conviction in her face is uneffected.

"Sir," she calls before checking that Eri is adequately distracted by food to notice, "how are we getting to the resort? I haven't seen or heard a Hero commission vehicle, so what of it?"

Aizawa groans and chooses to address Iida, Todoroki, Momo and Izuku, the only ones sat at the table while the rest fight for food in the kitchen. "There's a lot of danger in the world right now, Nezu and the commission agreed it'd be less of a risk if we boarded public civilian flights rather than a private hero one that could be targeted for attacks," he explained this as Iida's hand immediately shoots up and he groans yet again, "yes Iida, villians could still target a public flight but they've got more motive to take out an aircraft they know is full of heroes rather than a typical commercial flight." Iida's words get caught in his mouth and he nods affirmatively. Again, Izuku flashes back to the training camp being ambushed by the league, with that past experience it was without a doubt that the heroes were getting more cautious. Still Ochaco's words of reassurance popped into his head yet again when she stepped into the hall alongside the remainder of the class. It's like Iida always says: 

"Fail to prepare, you prepare to fail."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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