(I'm running out of chapter heads-)

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Also I'm going to put the next chapter on hold so I can finish the oc x huggy chapters I've been meaning to finish but couldn't due to my school, and me having life on repeat/autopilot with ADHD...... anyway enough of my ranting, onto this chapter..


I had left huggy whilst he was asleep so that I could at least get a look at whatever I had to find, to see if it's actually worth the hours of my life... I made it through the vents(?), over to the bridges making me awfully terrified to walk on, due to it being dark and dim, and not being able to see the ground. After getting over being a big baby, I had found a VHS, and popped it into the VHS player connected to a TV.

-time skip of listening to that-

Welp.... they're dead.. I'm actually happy that they are, after what they did...glad I had gotten fired.. I went over looking at the giant poppy flower on the wall, seeing words saying to turn back..if that ain't obvious there's something bad in there, I don't know what is. When I turned around to head back, my vision was blocked by an excruciatingly brightly pink... It was Huggy's sister...Kissy Missy(I know they're lovers but ya know for the sake of the fan fic-)

Kissy's POV

"Hi Y/N...long time, no see" I said looking down, glaring at them. "Huggy sent for me to find you... you're pretty disobedient y'know.."
"W-well I was just about to head back, my curiosity got the best of me" she chuckled nervously whilst saying that, "Well follow me then.. meanwhile, how've you been? Do you have a lover yet?" I asked, receiving no answer.."Really?! You're (insert random adult age) and still have no lover?! HAHAH!!" "Oh shut up!..be glad I'm not one of them stereotyped Hollywood white girls...(no offense-)" they said, flustered and pissed off.

-time skip brought to you by borzois and Maxwell ᓚᘏᗢ-

Huggy's POV

I thanked Kissy for bringing Y/N back, and as soon as she left, I grabbed Y/N, wrapping her into a tight hug. "That was rude of you to leave whilst I was sleeping, what if something happened to you?!" I said, trying to keep my cool. "Aww lil Huggy Wuggy cares?~" she said...I lost it.. I had brought them into a room away from my stage "I'll show you little!~" I said whilst pinning them to the ground.


I became a nervously flustered mess when he said that with a tone in his voice, a voice box he got from somewhere, which just so happened to be a very sexy choice... I'm so fucked... literally-


Huggy x female reader Smut/Lemon {Chapters Are Back To Being Finished}Where stories live. Discover now