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I hadn't seen my girl all day

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I hadn't seen my girl all day.

Between dealing with these idiots and trying to find a gift for Marcella, I was having withdrawals. There was not a day this past break where me and Violeta were not attached at the hip. Some would consider a day apart a " healthy" break, I however, considered it unnecessary. For the past week, Violeta was either at my house or I was at hers. Over the course of this break, I felt that our relationship was growing stronger.

We went on dates everyday.

My favorite so far being when I took her to the soccer fields and we played one on one. I let her score on me and if she knew, she didn't let on and fret about it. After soccer, we had dinner on the field and watched the sunset and the stars come out. Then the sprinklers came on and we had to rush to gather all of out belongings, and get to the car. It was the perfect night.

Ew. I sound like a fucking sap.

We had lots of meaningful conversations.

Lots of sex... lots of it.

And of course, movie marathons. From Marvel movies, to twilight, to the Harry Potter universe. We watched them all.

And of course, we hung out with our siblings. Kami and Violeta spent a lot of time together when she was over at my place and I would disappear down to the lab. When she found out that Violeta and I had made our relationship official, she practically exploded with excitement.

Literally, my eardrum still rings from time to time from the scream that she let out.

When I was over at hers, I taught Aliz and Andras some drills. Of course, getting my ass kicked by those two wasn't in my plans. However, Aliz verbally dragged me every chance that she got and Andras took to kicking in and everything in sight when he was frustrated... even my shins . Other than the emotional and physical abuse that the twins had put me through, I had a fun time...

They were so lucky that I loved their sister... so fucking lucky.

" Can't we just give her money. The girl has every shoe and handbag created in her damn closet," Stefano whined as we walked into another designer store. " I mean, what do you get someone who literally  has some of everything."

" As long as the gift is meaningful and it shows that we put effort into it, I'm sure she wouldn't mind what it was," I said, looking over some jewelry. Marcella was quite big on jewelry, necklaces to be precise. That would've been the obvious pick.

" What did you get her?" Stefano asked Elijah.

Getting Elijah out if the house was easier than I thought. After we snuck into his room, he got dressed... willinging, and had been tagging along ever since. I could tell that he was still warming up to us, getting used to our group dynamic. But today, I learned more about him and heard him speak more words than I thought he was capable of speaking. In fact, when he was passionate about something, it was hard to get him to stop talking about it.

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