𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟕.

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" I can't feel my ch-ch-cheeks," Noelle chattered, shivering next to me despite being bundled up in three layers and wearing a fur coat overtop. Marc adjusted the ear muffs on top of her head as he stood in front of her and smiled down at her. He kissed the tip of her nose which was turning a bright red fairly quickly,

" Did you feel that?" He asked, taking her hand in his as we walked the short distance to the awaiting cars.

I didn't get a chance to hear Noelle's reply as Maverick came to a stop before me and bent over. He turned his head to look back at me, " hop on, sugarplum."

I didn't think twice before hopping onto his back even with his puffer coat making it a bit of an awkward piggyback ride. Like Noelle and the majority of the girls, I too was wearing a fur coat to keep the cold from freezing my limbs off completely. " I'm slipping!" I squealed, trying to get a good grip around his neck.

Maverick quickly adjusted me on his back. Leaning forward, I pressed a kiss against his cheek before he took off towards the truck. I laughed halfway there, squealing loudly when he almost slipped and fell but caught himself before we both ended up in the snow. I slid off of his back once he reached the SUV and opened the door. " Ladies first," he motions for me to get inside the car.

" Why thank you, kind sir," I responded with a playful wink and slid in.

The SUV was warm and toasty when I slid inside it. I suspected that the heat was at the highest temperature but I welcomed it with no complaints. You would have to be an idiot to complain about the heat when it was thirty degrees out and snowing.

Once Maverick slid in beside me, I cuddled up next to him. He didn't miss a beat as he wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer so that we could share body heat, and placed a long kiss on the top of my forehead. " Are we going into town tomorrow?" He asked as we waited for the other slowpokes to get inside of the car.

Every time we visit Hungary for winter break, Maverick and I always make sure to take a day and visit the town, just the two of us. We'd go ice skating and to my favorite cafe that served the best hot cocoa– next to my grandma's of course.

Nothing was beating my grandma's cocoa.

The door opened and despite the heat being on full blast, the cold still managed to sweep in and settle deep into my bones, sending a chill throughout my body. I loved my mom's home country. Especially during the winter because it looked like one of the small Christmas towns straight out of a Hallmark movie.

But the cold, the cold was one thing that I would never get used to.

And that's saying a lot since we'd traveled from one cold place to another. But there was a difference– a clear fucking difference. The Hungarian cold made New York cold feel like a vacation in the Bahamas. Like when I said that I was freezing my mosquito bites off in New York weather, it simply was a little frostbite and me being dramatic.

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