Chapter 12 - The Reminder

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"Huh, girlfriend? I don't believe it." Ms. Shale rolled her eyes.

There are chit-chats amongst employees about Callum's announcement during the meeting. Ms. Shale wasn't there during the end of the meeting.

"We all heard it. He seems to be very protective of her. Don't do anything rash. We've never even seen her get out of the president's office alone. You even saw him hold her hand too right?"

"Hmph! Maybe she's a temporary thing.  Like a plaything.  Or an escort.  What does she have that we don't? She doesn't look high-end. Maybe you heard it wrong."

"Shhhh, you're getting too emotional. Don't be too rude." Said her co-worker.


For the next few days, David has been in and out of the president's office. He's been slowly passing his responsibilities to Nyla who was doing good so far in learning the tasks. It's mostly research and Nyla is good at that. She liked exploring, investigating, and researching since she was young due to a lack of friends. Hence her head is full of knowledge, useful, and not so much.

Contrary to David, Nyla only went out of the room if going to lunch, meetings, and home. Callum wanted her to be beside him all the time. If she wants something, she just needs to ask Heidi, or Callum guesses it for her.

"Ahmmm Callum..." She hesitated.

"Yes, baby?"

'Huh, baby? Is that his way of reminding me to call him daddy?'

"I mean, Daddy," she chuckled, "Can I just go to the pantry downstairs? I think I already consumed all the cheese bread and I'm a bit hungry."


"She's not outside when I checked. I will be quick I promise."

"Fine." His phone rang, "I'll be taking this call. Be back soon. Get a lot so you don't need to go out again if you crave it."

"Okay." She cupped his face and planted a quick kiss on his lips before he could even hook her waist with his hand. She hurriedly went outside towards the stairs.

She went to the pantry with a little wicker basket in her hand. She was starting to arrange the bread in her basket when she heard someone talking to her.

"Having it easy huh? The secretaries here are stressed out of their minds and here you are arranging bread in your little basket." Ms. Shale said it a bit loud causing people to look over the pantry. Their partitions are made of glass so they are visible from the inside.


"You know secretaries here help with everyone. I am a manager here, maybe you should help my assistant if you're not doing anything. You seemed too easygoing. It's an insult to us working hard."

Nyla pondered for a moment.  She put down the wicker basket and faced Ms. Shale, one of the women who openly glared at her during the meeting last Monday.

"No. I am Mr. Humphrey's executive secretary. I am under no obligation to listen to your commands or your opinions. And you have not the slightest idea of my job description. You're working hard? Good for you. Congratulations."

"How dare you—-"

"That's enough Ms. Shale. Nobody talks to my girlfriend that way. I will never allow it. This will be the last of your ill remarks towards her."

"I— I'm so sorry sir." Ms. Shale turned pale in an instant at the booming sound of Callum's voice.

"No, say sorry to my girlfriend, my future fiancee, the future mother of my children."

"I'm so so—"

"That's fine," she interrupted as she could see people already stopped working and tension was up in the air, "L—let's go back?" She is trying to appease Callum.

Callum reached for her hand gently and turned to walk back to his office. He saw Heidi lost and confused as to what happened.  The wicker basket with bread is still on the table.

"Heidi, can you make sure to replenish our snack bar at my office all the time?"

"Yes, sir." Heidi bowed, still confused.

Nyla mouthed "sorry" to Heidi while somehow being dragged by Callum away from the pantry. Heidi just smiled sincerely. She took the wicker basket with bread and followed them back. She put it first in the reception area and let her bosses talk privately.

The door closed and Callum released her hand. He has his two hands on his hips, trying to think of what to say to Nyla.

Nyla felt instant fear. But she also knew Callum couldn't stay mad at her. Nyla slowly embraced Callum.

"I'm so sorry daddy. I didn't know somebody would be bold enough to confront me. I was just really getting bread. I was actually done and was about to go back." She looked up.

"Were you scared of me just now?" He held her waist and let her hug him.

"A bit, yes."

"You did a great job talking back. I'm proud of you baby."

"Ahmm you said a lot of words there, fiancee... mother of your children...?"

"Yeah hahaha, coz why not? You should just enjoy it. I adore you so much you know."

"Thank you for making me feel safe." He hugged him tightly.

"My pleasure." He hugged her back with two arms, kissed her hair then led her to sit on the couch.

He pushed the intercom and called for Heidi to bring the wicker basket inside. Heidi went in a minute after and placed the wicker basket in the snack bar.

"Where were you, Heidi? And I'm not mad by the way, so relax."

"The photocopying machine is jamming the bond papers so I was trying to troubleshoot when I heard the sudden loud voice of Ms. Shale."

"Was she always like that to her co-workers?"

"I think only because she thinks you were treating Ms. Nyla more special than others.  She didn't hear about your announcement in the last meeting so she refused to believe that she was your girlfriend.  She thinks she's your temporary plaything." Heidi spoke without filter. Whether she did this to incriminate Ms. Shale further or not, nobody knows.

"Ah yes, she left earlier that day. Anyway, ask the HR head to call me later. That's a mean way of describing and treating a co-worker. Don't stay too long later and go back home if it's time. Just continue tomorrow with the materials if you can't finish photocopying."

"Noted sir. If there's nothing else, please excuse me." She left.

Nyla was already walking towards the snack bar. She opened one cream bread and started eating. She turned around and saw Callum staring at her amusedly.

He sat on the couch and beckoned her to come to him. Nyla followed with her bread. He pulled her closer and he sat her in his lap.

"Just eat. Let me cuddle you. I can do that right?"

"Mmkay." She said while munching.

Callum put his face in the crook of her neck. He started putting light kisses.

Nyla stopped biting into her bread and swallowed the last of what was in her mouth. She put her food on the center table.  He touched his nape and ran her fingers through his hair.

Callum started licking her neck. She moaned when he found her sweet spot. He started abusing her sweet spot making her feel hot and aroused.

His hands were hot and he started caressing her neck, back, and waist.

"Daddy..." She pulled his head and their mouths met. He kissed her passionately. They made out for a few minutes until Callum was interrupted by a call.

"Should be HR. Go to the room and take a rest, okay? There's bottled water in the small fridge there. You haven't drunk yet." He stood up and went to his table to answer the call.

Nyla followed obediently and went inside the bedroom. She lay down and realized...

'He makes me feel hot.  At this rate, we'll definitely use this bed for something else...'

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