Chapter Two

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There she is, my white 1998 Chevy Silverado. You'd think with a name like that, the only color they'd manufacture it in is silver, but there's also black, red, green, you get the picture. When my dad hit big on a scratch-off the week I graduated, he surprised me with this white chevy. He knew my line of work would entail hulling rolls of carpet and drywall and figured it be helping me out, for the small price of hulling his ass up to Menards anytime he needs something. Still love him though, him and my mom both.

This truck is really shit on mileage, but what truck isn't? All I care about is it getting me to work and back without killing me or anyone else, and with some of the drivers and their "cars", on the roads now, you'd be surprised at how much that's asking. But my baby? Even though dad got it off a guy on Craigslist, she runs like a dream. Maya's dad even offered to get a lift kit installed, but I told him I wasn't compensating for anything. At the time, I'd forgotten that he had a lift kit on his Ford...

But enough about that. Now that I've started up the engine, let's get back to how Maya tried to force me into meeting her.


"Yes, Mr. Maker, I'm in the line right now... Yes, I know I've been gone 15 minutes, but it's a 10 minute drive from the job site to here... I understand. Yes sir." I pressed the hangup button on the touchscreen as hard as I could.

"They don't make 'em like they used to. Used to be able to punch riff raff in the face with a phone, then hang up so hard you broke the cradle off the wall."

"It's okay, Charlie. I'm not that mad. Just wish he'd give me a little leeway." I said, swiping the card through the magnetic reader. Even though Charlie hit me with the, "mhm", it's true what I say. I really like my boss. When I first got out of school, him and his wife gave me a shot when no one else would. They'd only just started their house flipping business and lost their first contractor after only a couple of days. They were in a tight spot, and so was I.

But now, it's been two years, and I've worked on dozens of house's and they've sold all of them. Business is booming, and yet, after many hours of unpaid overtime and asking several times for a raise, I still haven't seen one. And though Mrs. Maker is still really nice to me, Mr. Maker grows more strict by the week. He's even been taking out pay for these trips to the hardware store, because I'm "stealing time."

"Say, Tucker. When're you gonna come work with us? I know you know a lot. Having a guy like you around would make everyone's job easier. I know Mike in plumbing could use some help with that woman that keeps coming in asking how to build a table out of cast iron."

"I don't know, Charlie. I know Mr. Maker's will come around in time. Plus, my mom needs me on a flexible schedule so I can help her around the house when my dads not home." He didn't like my answer, but it wasn't the first time he asked. Being an older fella', he's just looking out for me. Thinks Mr. Maker's a good business man, but not a good boss. But I know my times coming.

Instead of prying further, Charlie gave me the usual head nod, and handed me the receipt. Mr. Maker likes his receipts. I threw it in the plastic bag with the electrical wire, and tossed the bag in passenger seat. I throw the truck in reverse and grab onto the passenger side head rest. I know you're supposed to use your mirrors to back up, but my dad taught me this way, and I agree that it's way easier.


What the hell was that?! I've never thrown the car in park so fast in my life. I can't have hurt my truck already. But, just as I reached for the door handle, my phone started ringing again.

Mr. Maker again... I can check my truck at the house.

Luckily, there wasn't a scratch on her, just a little ketchup on the tailgate. Kid probably dropped his hot dog or something when he was walking by. I rushed inside and finished up my shift after wiping it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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A Blind Pipsqueak Tried To Hit Me With Insurance Fraud And Now We're RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now