~ Explain Yourself ~

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L wanted to say how much she hated their plan but she knew nobody would listen, it was the only way to get them through safely. She stayed silent and this time Folen was keeping an eye on her, while also watching what was happening in front of them. L wasn't planning to run off this time, she'd never leave Robbie, or his family.

She just stared at Bryce and Emilia who were running ahead, they were putting themselves in danger to get her back into the forest safely. Bryce had said exactly that and L thought he'd made a point of it just to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. He'd barely spoken a word to her since the farmhouse and she knew she partially deserved it, not that it was helping.

She was now holding up Mrs Worcester, with help from Hallie and her magic, so she kept her focus on that instead. They would have to move fast and silently when the time came, nothing new there but if they were seen by any of the Demons then it would all be over. L didn't think it would work but she planned to do as she was told for once.

If she ended up having to fight the Demons then she was willing, she had no idea what it took to fight one but she would at least try. They waited in silence at the side of the road, trees surrounded them but they weren't nearly close to the forest that hid the base. L didn't know if they'd be able to get any kind of help from the base being on this side of the barrier.

Suddenly, they heard what they were waiting for, the sound of a rooster call that sounded more like a laugh. L knew firsthand that Bryce had a flair for pissing off Demons and this time he was laughing at them. They'd never suspect it was a signal and the group moved off quickly the instant they heard it, there was no room for hesitation. Mrs Worcester was lighter and easier to run with than L thought she'd be and L guessed that was Hallie's magic at work. She just hoped it would last long enough for them to get away.

They ran up the road and turned the corner to see that it was clear for them to proceed, no Demons in sight. They must have chased after Bryce and Emilia just as they'd all hoped. L and Hallie were to lead the way and so long as they reached the base in one piece then it would be worth the risk to Emilia and Bryce- or so they said anyway. They managed to run down the road without any problems, a few moments later they were well on their way again.

Running flat out to get away from the area, L was wondering if Bryce and Emilia had had to fight the Demons, when they were rejoined by the two Elves a few miles away. They were both grinning and their hair was whipping about behind them like veils. Bryce must have lost another of his hats in the chase. They both looked more Supernatural than L had ever seen them; their eyes were almost alight and their weapons were glowing brightly with a strange amber light. 

They all ran as one and were nearing the forest that held the base, according to Bryce's signals, until they were abruptly halted by him. He scowled and muttered something loud but unintelligible to her. L had a feeling he was swearing in Elvish, with the look of disapproval on Emilia's face. They both made signals to stay silent and were skulking down the road ahead. L couldn't see or hear anything in the distance but she watched them both creeping forward. All of a sudden something ginormous jumped out and grabbed them by the back of their cloaks.

It picked them up into the air with ease and L got a better look at it, she thought her nightmares had come to life. The Demon in front of them was huge, almost as big as Gart and Lort, but this thing looked ferocious. It was pitch black, no scrap of light or colour anywhere. L felt like she was staring into a deep, dark abyss that was its body.

When it opened what must have been its mouth, she saw that it had rows upon rows of sharp, jagged white teeth that looked deadlier than Kasseal's. However these teeth were dripping with something yellowish that no doubt did unbelievable damage when it came into contact with anything. This Demon had no eyes, and yet somehow it was looking directly at Bryce and Emilia, who were trying their best to slash at it with their swords.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now