You rise from your slumber you wonder how long as passed since you last woke up you check the clock Cloud retainer made for you. It looks like it has been 17 years since you last woke for longer than to eat you stretch out. There is a few notes at the entrance of your abode left by others to keep you updated on what's happening. Nothing much until you get to one from 3 years ago. Rex Lapis has passed look for a man named Zhongli instead. You farrow your eye brows. He really did retire you never could have expected that but you wonder if this means you will never get to see his illuminated form again. You put down the notes after reading them most of the resent ones are about a blond traveler who has gotten the attention of many you get changed into a more suitable clothes before making your way down to the harbour. After a few hours you find it's a lot more noisy that you membered Ping calls out to you before you walk past. "Snow-jumper come over here". You turn to her and smile a wince still on your face she takes out a head band and slides it on your head it helps dampen the noises. "What woke you this time". You ponder for a moment "I dreamed the wine me and Rex lapis made together 70 years ago was finished I haven't touched it yet I wanted to come down and get some supplies for an afternoon tea and I was going to come get him but form the notes I was left it looks like I'm looking for someone else instead" you look up at the sky for a moment thinking of what to say in case someone over herd. "Perhaps the man I found near my abode last time I was awake Zhongli" She chuckles at your terrible lie. "Well dear he works at the Funeral parlour as a consultant if you need help finding him" you thank her for head band and the tip leaving a crystal snowflake in her hand that you had made in your slumber. You walk though the harbour not really knowing where anything is stoping every so often by kids who where interested in your fluffy tail and wanted to touch it you let them asking them where things are in exchange. You find your way to chef mo and ask for some simple ingredients putting them in the small bag you brung and ask him for the direction of the funeral parlour. You next fun into a very rambunctious young lady who forces a coupon for funeral services into your hand you are perplexed but ask if you can speak with Zhongli. She shows you to his office and says he will be back in 5 minuets you sit down while you wait letting out a sigh it's tiring to be awake and more so to make such a trip but the wine is special to you and Rex lapis so you assume it will be important to his new iteration. You close your eyes as you sit in the office you can pick up his scent he smells the same as always tea and fresh earth. You nod off slightly and startle awake at his chuckle. "As sleepy as ever Snowjumper?" You look up at him this new form is exceedingly handsome. "I'm sorry R-Zhongli it was a long trip". He hums in response sitting at his desk. "I have some paper work to do but feel free to tell me what's going on after all you normal wouldn't wake for another 33 years" you shake your head trying to shake off the sleepiness. "Yes yes I came to tell you the wine I dreamt it was ready so I wanted to invite you to open it sometime soon". He smiles as he fills out his paper work. "I would love to tomorrow is my day off so that will give you plenty of time to prepare" you nod and smile. "I will head back now it should be enough time to prepare the perfect bamboo shoot soup" he smiles and bids you good by after reaching into his draw and handing you a bag of tea leaves. "Here this is a new brew I have taken a liking to it lately so you should give it a try" you not tucking it away and head back to the mountains you busy your self to the next two hours setting up the soup to cook and putting everything away before going to sleep knowing he will wake you when he arrives. After quite a bit of time has passed you feel your bed move and a gentle hand rubbing your ears. You groggily move pressing into the hand following as it slowly with draws. You open your eyes. "Mmm afternoon" you get up your still dressed from yesterday. "Can you retrieve the cask from the ground? While I get the food dished" he smiles manipulating the rocks in the center of the room lifting a heavily aged cask from the floor. You leave the soup to cook longer as that will be for tea and bring out some small snacks that go well with wine and some cups along with a tap set for the barrel that you managed to find yesterday in the harbour. You hand it to Zhongli as he is much more coordinated and he expertly sets it into the barrel then places it on the table. You fill the cups and hold out one to him as he sits. You both sip the wine and chat for the next hour about the changes that has happened. After an hour you start to feel a little odd and heated you look up at him and gasp a little startled. "Did you mean to change forms Zhongli?" There is patches of scales decorating his skin and his horns are out along with his tail. "Mmm no I did not what did we even put in this wine" I don't remember but I had a list some where" you stand up and quickly sink down onto your knees on the floor you have almost no strength in your legs. He reaches out to you concerned "are you okay" the places he touched are burning now he try's to help you up but you just fall again but on top of him this time you see his pupils dilate as you look up at him and moan slightly from pain "ngh are you okay I'm not to heavy am I? What ever we put in there it either was a really bad idea or a really good one" you yelp startled as he grabs your ass his scent is strong and thick in the air and against your better judgement you moan and press into his hands. He squeezes harder before moving one hand to the back of your head slamming your lips against his. You kiss back passionately you can't help but think in the back of your mind for a second that you always wanted this but a more rational voice goes wait what before the tingling sensation takes over again. He suddenly rolls you pinning to go the floor as he grinds against you his draconic tongue slips into your mouth you moan as it explores your mouth the split ends teasing along your own tongue. You can feel his erectshion against your thigh now you moan as he grinds it into you seaking pleasure. Your free your arms burrying your hands in his hair. He pulls back eventually looking down at you lust painted over his usually calm features a wave of pleasure washes over you from the look he is giving you he rips open your shirt it seams while you lost your strength he has not. He lowers his head to your chest flicking his tongue over your nipples making you groan in response. He moves lower nipping at the skin every so often he pulls off his coat and shirt revealing his body he slides down his pants his errectsion springing forth he pulls off your pants quickly and grabs your hips pulling you to him he presses the tip of his cock against your entrance and slowly presses in you groan as it sends small shock waves of pleasure through you as he sinks deeper into you. It feels better than sleeping it feels better than snow. You are about to be fucked by your own god and it feels amazing. He finally burries him self fully in you he stays still for a while panting as he try's not to move to soon. You moan out "ngh please move" all bets are off at that point as he starts slamming into you the adepti may be elegant and sophisticated but we are still beasts. You moan jibberish and default to moaning out the name you have known him by for Decades as you can't think of anything else only Rex lapis's cock it seams to sper him on even more though as he thrusts into you harder and faster. You beg for more as he does he groans moaning in response. "Fuck you feel good like you where made for my cock" he slams in as he finishes the sentence hitting your prostate making you cry out. "Nnggag R-Rex I" he cuts you off as he leans over and whispers in your ear. "How does it feel to be fucked by a god can anyone else ever compare" you groan in response. "N-no how could anyone c-compare to you" he wraps his hand around your cock and starts stroking it. "Mmm fuck I don't want this to end you feel so good" you let out a string of nonsense as you try to respond to him but your mind is blank" he leans down and captures your lips his thrusts becoming erratic as he gets closer he brakes the kiss. "Fuck cum for me (Y/n) cum for me like a good boy" you let out a strangled noise as you do just that his domaind pushing you over the edge he buries hum self balls deep in you cumming deep inside. In a small moment of clarity he carry's you to his bed but it doesn't last long before the effects take hold again and he burries his cock in you again this continues for several hours before the aphrodisiac you both unknowingly added to the wine finally wears off. You are covered in marks from him biting you and he is trying to process what just happened as you are snuggled into his side asleep once again. All he knows is that he is now very aware of the feelings he didn't know he had for you and this will be etched in his memory till bedrock crumbles.

Genshin impact X Male Reader
FanficFeel free to make requests but other wise I will mostly use a faun as a base cos It's easier for me :) Will update at random I promise nothing on consistency I am chaos