hogsmead !

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CHAPTER TEN !↳ hogsmead

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IT WAS THE LAST Hogsmead visit before thier exams were starting and November would soon be change into December

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IT WAS THE LAST Hogsmead visit before thier exams were starting and November would soon be change into December. So Marlene, Lily and Josi decided to visit Hogsmead one last time, before their studying would take over thier life once more. Alice already had a date with Frank, so she couldn't join them and was already in the little town.

The rest of the girls had slept in and were now putting on theire Jackets, Gryffindor scarfs and hat's before they made their way downstairs to the common room. It was very windy and cold outside. The November weather was making it quiet uncomfortable to be outside.

"I could bet Potter is already waiting for a chance to ask you out again, Lils", Marlene giggled as she looked at Lily, while walking down the stairs to the common room.

Josi followed right behind them, pinning her hair up into a bun.

"Sometimes I just want to punch him in his annoying, pretty face!", Lily mumbled under her breath while shaking her head. Marlene and Josi stopped an shot her two disbelieving looks.

"Did you just say pretty?", Marlene questioned her, not believing her own ears.

"Eww!", Josi gasped disgusted before she looked back at her best friend.

Lily's face had grown crimson red as she tried to deny what had just slipped out of her mouth. "No I didn't! Let's move", she stated while grabbing Marlene and Josi by their arms and dragging them out of the common room.

When the three had finally arrived in Hogsmead they went first to Honeydukes and Zonko, because Josi ran out of Joke articles.

Lily waited outside because according to her, she wouldn't go into such a silly shop. Which meant that Marlene was the one to accompany her.

As the two girls walked through the shelf's, Josi began talking. "You know sometimes I question myself why my brother likes Lily, she is literally the complete opposite of him", Josephine told Marlene while she searched for her things.

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