Chapter 7

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Veronica's POV

I was definitely overthinking my outfit but not as much as I was overthinking everything that happened at the gym.

The reason why I was so upset with Declan was that he went from always finding an excuse to talk to me, to almost avoiding me. I hadn't done anything wrong, had I? No, I hadn't.

But then, today happened. He almost sounded desperate to talk to me. And he looked so sad when apologizing to me. I shouldn't care, I shouldn't care... but I do.

I ended up wearing a dress I had forgotten I owned, and left my hair down so it could dry with a natural curl. And yes, I put on some of Jo's perfume. Sue me!

I got to the cafe ten minutes early, but Declan was already waiting at the door. Well, someone's eager to talk.


"Hi" he said, looking up from his phone. "You're early."

"You're earlier" I laughed.

"Yeah, well... should we go inside?"


He opened the door for me and we ordered our coffees. Once we sat at the table, I noticed Declan seemed to be lost in thought. I had to be the one who broke the ice.

"So, you wanted to talk?"

"I did, yeah. Again, I'm sorry if my behaviour hurt you. I didn't want that to happen."

"Thanks. But that was my fault, you did nothing wrong."

He looked at me surprised. "Why would it be your fault?"

"Well" I blushed. "I just got upset because my professor paid more attention to me than to the others, and then one day he didn't. It's so silly. I'm not a child anymore."

"I had to, Veronica." I could see how defeated he looked, and I just wanted to hug him. But I didn't, because I was not supposed to do that.

We kept on drinking our coffees in silence until he spoke again.

"You know what it looks like, right? A young professor who spends a lot of time with one of the students..."

"That's why you cut me off all of a sudden? So people wouldn't think there was something going on between us?"

He finally looked me in the eyes and nodded.

"Well" I continued. "You could have told me. I know it was my fault, so I would have done things differently or..."

"Your fault?" he laughed. "It was me who kept on approaching you. What were you supposed to do? Stop attending my class?"

I... didn't know what to say. So I let him continue. "Maddison came to talk to me and she casually mentioned how much I was helping you and I freaked out. I could get in trouble, yeah. But I'm the one who is in a position of power. I'm likely to just get a slap on the wrist while you might lose your scholarship. And I'd never forgiven myself if that happened."

Wow, that's a lot deeper than what I expected.

"I... um, I don't know what to say, to be honest. I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to tell me" I said to him. Is he telling me that he likes me? Or is it me who wants to believe he's saying that?

"I like you." Well, that clarifies it. "A lot. And I shouldn't but... here we are."

I could only stare at him. Was this really happening?


"And, I mean, of course, I want to spend time with you. You are the person I want to spend time with the most. But don't tell Mason, he gets jealous easily."

What? "Yeah, I won't."

Why couldn't I read his face right now? He looked sad, excited and terrified all at once.

"Feel free to run away now" he said. "I know how creepy this is. But please, don't quit my class. Don't let my foolishness affect your life. I won't bother you during class, and I'll be fair about grading your work."

"I won't quit your class. And it's not creepy." Well, maybe a little, but we won't tell him that. "And, I mean, I was upset about you not talking to me because I also like you and I..."

"You do?" he cut me off. Why did he look so surprised? Didn't he have mirrors at home?

"I mean, half of the class probably had a crush on you, but I got to talk to you and I felt... I don't know, like I knew you. And I was always looking forward to hearing you calling my name after class. And when you didn't I... I didn't know how to feel."

His phone started beeping. A lot. "Sorry, that's Mason. He wants to know how everything is going."

"Do you tell each other everything or something?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." When he saw my face, he quickly added "Well, not everything... everything. But we've been best friends our entire life so we just worry about each other."

"Jo and I are the same" I said with a smile.

"So, how much does she hate me for hurting you? Should I run if I see her?"

"Well..." I laughed. "You're not her favourite person, no."

It was then that he held my hand, and I was pretty sure even my toes blushed.

"What can I do to earn her forgiveness?" he said, looking at my face with the softest look I've ever seen on him. How can those eyes be even real? "And yours?"

Kiss me? Marry me? Have my children?

"Being honest and not playing with my feelings sounds like a good starting point."

Also...kiss me? Too soon? Ok.

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